Hi Anne, I have been absent from this forum for some time, so it was a nice surprise to see another Aussie on here when I logged in this morning 🙂
We are Australians living in Israel, so we don’t have to follow the Australian standard either. We have dropped World History this year and will focus on Aussie History, Literature, Artists and Poets, with a Geography overview from the History and Literature readings.
If you haven’t already, check out the Homeschooling Downunder website. It is full of a great Suggestions and resources. https://www.homeschoolingdownunder.com/homeschooling-book-list-index/australian-history-books-stories-kids/
I am currently using Our Sunburnt Country by Arthur Baillie to give an overview of Australian History. There are notebooking pages to go with this book, so my kids do written Narrations using these. Jackie French is a great Aussie author and has written historical fiction for kids. We plan to add in a few of her books as well.
There are also resources for Picture/Artist study, Geography, Literature… If you want more suggestions, I can provide more, but this is a great website for getting started and most of the resources are CM friendly while offering advice how to work it all together with the Aussie Standards.
Blessings, Michelle