Good bio. of Martin Luther

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  • I need a good biography recommendation for Martin Luther.  This will be for a 15 year old boy.  I found “Here I Stand” by Roland Bainton, but am looking other good recommendations.  Thanks!


    My 15yo enjoyed Luther: Biography of a Reformer by Fredrick Nohl. For a lighter read, Thunderstorm in the Church by Louise Vernon and Spy for the Night Raiders (historical fiction). The film Luther is also excellent. 

    We read Spy for the Night Riders. Here it is on Amazon…

    It is a fictional account, but touches on facts of Luther’s life through the eyes of a young boy. It is a fun, easy read. I found a copy at the library. It might be a good supplement with factual books.

    Thank you both!  Dh looked over “Here I Stand” and said it looked like overkill so we will pass on that one.  I will check my bookstore for the others.  My library doesn’t have any of them.  I have “Luther”, the film reserved on Netflix.  

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