I’m only halfway through the article, and already I see how interesting (and accurate) the author’s perspective is on the concept of the modern “teenager” as opposed to the pre-World War II notion of “youth.”
Haven’t read it, but can attest that it is a Western invention. Travel to a third world country and look for a typical teen. You’ll be hard pressed to find one.
I think we expect our teenaged children to act a certain way, and therefore excuse it to a certain extent, even if we don’t like it. This article makes a lot of sense – 80 years ago teens were married and starting families. The adults expected them to be responsible and adult-like long before we, as a society, do now. Do I want my 17-yr-old to get married? No, but I also expect him to be working, being responsible with his money, and so on. Not laying about the house acting like a petulant child.
I also agree. I was introduced to this concept by the maker of Milestones Academy, who wrote a book called “Peter Pan Ponderings”. (It was part of the mentoring program I did with her…. I wish I had downloaded that part at the time. (It was free with the mentoring program.) I’d read it all, but as my kids weren’t that age I didn’t bother to download it.
I have to say that I suspect I was more like the “Youth” of pre WWII than a teenager when I was that age. I was involved in Cadets, took a few adult night-school courses (with my dad, mind you), and had a part-time job. I also earned my pilot’s license.
I think I’d like to try to get this idea with my kids – not sure how to go about it….
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