God's Design from Answers in Genesis

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study God's Design from Answers in Genesis

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  • artcmomto3

    Right now we are using 106 Days for science.  We are taking our time through it and will probably finish it over the summer since we are going to start year round school.  When we finish I’m trying to decide what to do next.  DD will be in 2nd, and DS will be in K.  Most likely I will just let him watch us and join us for nature study, but for DD I thought it would be fun to do a science curr. with hands on activities and experiments.  I’m looking at one of the God’s Design studies for grades 1-8.  Does anyone have an opinion of them?

    We have the animals one and there isn’t a whole lot of hands on or experiments -virtually none. But the book itself is really good.


    Is that God’s Design for Life?  I just checked.  I guess it’s the one on the Heavens and Earth that have experiments.  I figured all of them did.


    Considering God’s Creation has tons of cut and paste and colouring activities if that’s what you are looking for.


    No, I wanted science experiments, although DD would love crafty things.  Isn’t it geared toward 3rd grade and up?


    2nd I do believe.  And it includes simple experiments, mostly regular household items things needed.  I’m using it with our 2nd and 5th graders.  You wouldn’t use most of the Digging Deeper stuff for a 2nd grader.  If you pick out some good picture books from the library to suppliment the topic of the week, that’s great, too.  CGC can be used in one year (36 short lessons about 2x a week) or you can spread it out and really enjoy the topics (this is where those picture books really come in) for up to 3 years.  It can be broken down into 2 major sections –Earth Science and Life Science.  If you wanted to divided Life Science into two years, you could save the Anatomy section until the 3rd year.  We are just completing the Earth Science portion this year.

    I have been considering something else, (my boys don’t really care for the cut and paste thing) but not sure what.  I’m not completely sold on Apologia, and as intriguing as the God’s Design series looks, the price tag frightens me a bit.   


    I’ve used the God’s Design series for years.  They all do have an activity of some sort with each lesson; sometimes an experiment, sometimes an art project or a worksheet.  It varies by the book which ones have actual experiments.  I guess it’s harder coming up with experiments on animals for elementary kids, lol.  Anyway, we enjoy the books very much, but I think they are best for 3rd grade and up–I think children will get more out of them at slightly older ages.

    Have you thought of just getting a book of simple household experiments to try?


    Thanks! I was planning to use CGC with DD when we come back to 106 Days in a couple of years, but I know she would love it now. We do have the experiment books we used with 106 Days, so I could supplement with it if needed. We will also throw in some nature study. I may just wait another year for God’s Design.


    Thanks! I was planning to use CGC with DD when we come back to 106 Days in a couple of years, but I know she would love it now. We do have the experiment books we used with 106 Days, so I could supplement with it if needed. We will also throw in some nature study. I may just wait another year for God’s Design.

    Rebekah P

    FYI     Janice Van Cleve has some great books that are strictly science experiments.  They would be a great addition to a curricullum that isn’t heavy on experiments.  Also, they cover a wide variety of topics.  Great for Elementary aged children.

    experiments on animals – lol

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