Oh Linda, that’s awesome. We’re contemplating them for the future, but I have to wait and see if I can handle another animal if my husband doesn’t get better, but the economy may force me to do it either way. We have room for two in the back part of our property. Do you get to get milk from them?
Of course, my children want them badly; they’re outside with our two new chicks right now. My son is always ga-ga over chicks (mister chick mommy).
I think someone just gave the goats to the barn because they make good companions to horses and they could not look after them. I don’t think they milk them, but I have heard they are good animals to have – you just have to be good with fencing as they are amazing escape artists and can jump pretty high from standing! At the barn they had a hard time containing them at first, but now it seems to be working after many trials. At night they keep them in a stall in the stable….they sleep curled up in plastic dog beds with straw…I think they put them in at night because of the coyotes around here…..all their hens got eaten by coyotes last year, even though they had a good solid hen house and fencing. I am jealous of your chicks, I love them as well. I think if you are lucky enough to have land and are allowed to keep animals, then anything that can help with the food budget and the economy is sensible. I wish we did not live on a sub division now, because I can’t even hang washing out….but at the time we thought it would be a temporary home and now that may not be so, it may be always…..the world has changed so much….but goats, wonderful lively things – make me smile.