Glorious firefly display!

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  • RobinP

    Just sharing. I got home after 10pm last night and noticed there were many more fireflies than usual. I came upstairs, got the boys out of bed and went outside to see an amazing firefly show! The boys said, “WHOA!!! The trees are lit up like Christmas trees!” We live near the Smoky Mountains so we’ve seen the synchronous fireflies. While not quite so spectacular, our private firefly light show was truly glorious! We’ve only seen them like that a couple of other times. I’d like to know what makes them do that on such rare occasions.

    Anyway, just sharing my excitement. Christie, was it you who said you don’t have fireflies (actually lightening bugs in my neck of the woods) where you are?


    How glorious! I LOVE LOVE LOVE fireflies (lightning bugs to me too, coming from SC)!!!!! Here in Jacksonville, FL we don’t have them. I’ve seen 1 in 20 years here. So sad! Robin, I’m so glad you woke the boys for such a treat!



    How fun! I love fireflies but we don’t have them where we live in the west. Growing up in Ohio they were my favorite part of summer


    How fun! I remember, when growing up in Guatemala, sometimes seeing so many fireflies at once that entire, huge trees looked as though they were glowing from all the firflies on them. It really was amazing! So nice you were able to share that with your boys. : )


    I have always wanted to see fireflies, but have always lived in the west.  Sounds like it was a wonderful evening.  Hopefully someday I will get the pleasure of seeing them for the first time. 🙂


    We have had a tremendous number of lightning bugs, as well. We live in Williamsburg, VA and they are out in droves. Absolutely magical!


    We were totally enjoying them last night, too! My naturaphobic child held one and let it crawl on her hands for about 45 minutes. She was totally involved with it and cried when it was time to let it go.

    Such amazing little critters!

    Karen Smith

    Just an FYI for those who might like to relive your childhood memory of collecting a few fireflies in a jar and keeping them in your bedroom overnight. The fireflies will live through the night and for several days if you give them a dampened piece of sponge for water. They only live a few days out of captivity anyway so you’re not shortening their lives by keeping them in a well-ventilated jar/container, just keeping them from mating and laying eggs. If you only keep them overnight, then release them in the morning they will still mate and lay eggs.

    Katrina in AK

    Love this. We don’t have them up here, either, and I wish my boys could see and play with them.

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