Girls something to do & think about!

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  • cedargirl

    I am not trying to advertise or sell, this is a link to some proverbs paper dolls that my daughter will love as an afternoon hand craft!!!

    Sara B.

    I saw some of the comments about it, and I guess I’d be wary of it.  For one thing, usually paper dolls are cardboard or paperboard or something strong like that.  These are just printed off the computer?  Even on the strongest cardstock that will feed through the printer, I can guarantee it wouldn’t survive in my house for a day.  Frown  Other people said they were rather small.  They do look quite tiny…  But that is just my impression of them.  :-/


    We print them on regular computer paper and then lamintate them.


    I don’t mind so much. I will print them on heavy cardstock and we will do the activity together. It’s the time and conversation I am paying for really. It’s what happens in the activity AND the added bonus of the opportunity to care for a new set of paper dolls. Teaching care of toys is the zone we are in right now. If they get wreaked they get recycled. We went through this with a Holly Hobbie set so I am hoping round to will go better 🙂

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