Getting Started with Latin

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  • writeforchanges

    Has anyone tried this book?  I was going to order it from AMAZON but there were a few negative reviews and I just want to make sure my kids will actually take something away from their studies.  They are 8,4, and 2.  It is mostly for the 8 year old, but it seems that what he does, the others want to join in Wink

    Sonya Shafer

    My daughter and I just finished it. We thought it was a nice, gentle introduction to Latin and are eager to go on to do the Cambridge Latin Course next.


    For an eight-year-old–she will need, before the end of the book, to be able to understand concepts like direct objects, to be able to make sense of noun cases.  She’ll also need to memorize case endings and conjugations.  It is a gentle start–but picks up some speed toward the end.  If she isn’t handy with direct objects and you don’t think she can learn to tell the difference between nominative, possessive, dative and ablative cases . . . then I’d go with a chant-style program or wait a while. 


    ok…what about this one:

    Prima Latina : an introduction to Christian Latin.  It says it is designed for k-3 grade.  Has anyone tried this one and is it CM friendly or not?  It sounded kind of intense, but then again it is Latin Wink

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