Getting my dd6 a real bible she can read herself…suggestions?

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    She is almost 6 and can read pretty well. She likes to read smaller chapter books too. We have story bibles, but I’d like one where she can look up verses, follow along if we’re reading together, etc. Has anyone used the ESV children’s bible? I ask because the ESV is what we usually read out of but I am open to other suggestions. I have other bibles at home she could use but I’d rather have bigger print for her.


    We go with what the family reads, in our case the King James Version. So I say if ESV is what your family already uses then go with that for your daughter’s own bible too!


    Mine use the ESV Seek and Find. It’s the full ESV plus bible stories with pictures.


    Thanks! I’ll have to check into the Seek and Find, haven’t heard of that but sounds neat 🙂


    My DD who is 6 also has the Seek and Find Bible in TruTone.  My older two girls had the Children’s ESV in hardcover and even though they were careful with them the binding broke within months.  We’ve been happy with the TruTone.


    We also use the ESV Seek and Find Bible. We have both hardcover and softcover.  They have held up well.


    This is a great Bible that we did not know about…..the ESV Seek and Find. We have used the ESV for several years – my kids will love this!


    We have a hodge-podge of Bibles…including the Seek and Find.  I just try to make sure we have the same translations when we are all reading aloud.  Our church recently switched to ESV, so that’s what we ususually use.


    Another vote for the ESV Seek and Find Bible–it’s what I was going to recommend before I even read the previous comments!  We gave it to our 6yo son for Christmas.  Before that, we used The Child’s Story Bible.  We highly recommend this one, too!  He and my husband have read through it 2 or 3 times and we felt he was ready for the next step.  He LOVES the Seek & Find and we do, too.  My husband reads it with him every night at bedtime. They are working their way through the stories and characters highlighted in the book, and my husband really likes it.  He says there are a few things here and there that he doesn’t like, but overall he’s been very impressed.  And by the way, I know a family with kids 14, 11 and 7 who still uses the Vos Bible for family Bible time.


    Thanks, Katafus! I have the Vos Story Bible. My daughter loves it! I like it for myself too :). I think we’ll check into the ESV Seek and Find after hearing all the good recommendations. Thanks, all!

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