Getting Labor Started…help!

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  • Francis2911

    Hi ladies. Well, I have seen several of you post questions about pregnancy so I hope you all don’t mind me throwing one in there as well. I am 40 weeks pregnant with our 5th child and labor has yet to begin. In fact, when I went to the dr. this morning there had been no progression from 1 week and half ago. Baby’s head is still high as well. Does anyone have any tried and true methods for getting labor started? I have been induced 3 times and gone into labor once. I would really prefer to go into labor naturally so any help would be greatly appreciated…thanks so much. Blessings to you all.


    I’m afraid that with our five children we have had to have C-Sections (certainly not by my choice, but that’s how God provided safe arrivals for the first 2 and then dr. advised no more VBAC attempts).  So I cannot help with advice, but I will pray for you today for patience, wisdom,and a safe delivery.

    Blessings to you as you welcome your little one!Smile


    My friend with 8 children is 42 weeks every time when she delivers, she has tried everything at 40 weeks: walking, jumping on her trampoline, castor oil, evening primrose oil, etc.  The only tried and true way to induce labor naturally is to wait until the minute/hour/day that the Lord has planned for that baby to come:)  You could try asking your Dr./midwife if they recommend anything if you feel you need to try something? 

    As far as no progression, that’s why with my 5 kiddos I never had my midwife check me, because the numbers don’t mean that your body isn’t working and they can be very discouraging(especially for you at 40 weeks!).  You could have no “progression” and have the little blessing tonight, or even have great progression but still have a week or two to go.  Your body IS working, and preparing the way for your sweet little one to come.  Praying for you and for a wonderful, safe delivery!


    The only thing that has ever worked for me to speed things up is to have the doctor strip the membrane – but that only works if the baby is ready to come… and the doctors won’t do it until there are signs that the baby is close to coming.  I went a couple of weeks overdue with 2 of my kids…  the last to the point that they would induce me very soon…   That said, one of the times the doctor stripped the membrane and nothing happened… the next week he stripped it again, and I had her by the next morning.


    I would be inclined to be patient and let God decide when the little one is to arrive – I can imagine you are ready, but I think our bodies know the right time for things.  I will pray that a healthy little bundle is in your arms very soon, and that in the meantime you can have peace knowing that things are happening as they should.  Blessings, Linda


    I agree with others that it just may not be time yet. Sorry…not what you wanted to hear, I know. Innocent

    With my first baby, I went to the dr. on his due date at 40 weeks. I had made no progress, nor did it seem like he would be coming any time soon after that. She reassured me that she wouldn’t let me go past 42 weeks, but I didn’t want to be pregnant for 5 more minutes, much less two more weeks! I know you know what I mean.

    Anyway, my mom was determined to at least help me feel better. So, she took me out for some spicy Mexican food for lunch after my appointment, then we walked and walked by going shopping for the rest of the afternoon. We bought things for the baby, so it was fun. On our way home that evening, I began having some contractions. My mom gave me some castor oil with an orange soda. It was disgusting, but I was determined not to let my labor stop. I continued to have contractions through the night, but nothing painful. Then at 3:30 a.m. my water broke on its own, and we were headed to the hospital! 

    That was what worked for me, but I still know that God’s timing is perfect. Hope you get some rest before your new one arrives!




    I’ve heard fresh pineapple works well (has to be fresh, not canned). Didn’t work for me, but it was a great excuse to eat lots of delicious pineapple 🙂


    May I suggest a romantic evening with your husband? It’s known to induce labor naturally Wink.

    Praying Gods perfect timing for you & baby. ~ Heather


    I was going to suggest that, Heather, but didn’t want to make anyone blush. hehehehe Wink


    Yes! Being romantic caused me to have contractions early on! So I third that! 🙂

    I know it is hard to wait!


    Thank you all for your advice. It was very helpful! The children and I went out for a long walk this evening so I am hoping that helped. However, I know the Lord’s timing is perfect and that I need to wait on Him. I’m praying, however, that I wouldn’t have to be induced. Thank you for your prayers! Blessings to you all.


    Sara B.

    I can never get my babies to come early or even on time.  Undecided  So I totally know how you feel!  With my 4th, he was my latest by far, 1 day before they were going to induce.  But ever since my SIL was induced a couple times, I am totally against it except by necessity (and there are practical reasons why I say this, not just that I don’t like it).  I have heard women around my parents’ ages say back in the ’70s and ’80s, they were even 3 weeks late when Baby came on his/her own, and the dr did not induce.  And all was just fine.  I think drs nowadays are in a hurry to get babies out and move on (as are we, I know).  God’s timing is perfect, as pretty much everyone has said, and except when the need arises, I don’t think we should try to hurry it along.

    Not that I didn’t try….  😉

    Blessings to you and your soon-to-arrive little one!

    Sara  🙂


    Well, there CAN be good reasons to try to get the baby to come at a certain time—the later past the due date, the higher the chance of meconium in the amniotic fluid and baby size can be affected–I know with my first, we finally had to bite the bullet and induce because he was more than two weeks late, eleven pounds + and showing signs of distress . . . if he’d have inhaled amniotic fluid we’d have had even more trouble, including a probable NICU stay.  Some of us are just not good at going into labor.  🙂  I definitely fall into that category–I’ve NEVER gone into labor naturally.  And we’ve tried I can’t even tell you how many of the above ideas, PLUS riding in a truck over very bumpy roads, very fast; scrubbing the floor on my hands and knees, and eating salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing.  🙂 



    I second the castor oil – as disgusting as it was to get down!! My latest baby, also my fifth, was just as stubborn. I would not suggest doing anything prior to your due date, but once it passes, I think it is safe to try “natural” methods to induce. But, whether it was coincidence or not, my baby came within 12 hours of drinking castor oil. Take caution, it can upset the stomach!! I have heard of raspberry leaf tea from one of my midwives, I have never tried it though. I pray for a safe delivery for you! 🙂


    I was 2 weeks late with my last one, and I was also against medical induction, and had been experiencing contractions that did nothing for 2 weeks when my doctor stripped my membranes.  It worked great – too great.  I gave birth in the car!  So make sure if your doctor stips your membranes, you live on the close side of the hospital!

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