Georgia-Prayer Request

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  • csmamma

    We have an opportunity to move to Lawrenceville, Georgia over the next year or so due to dh job transfer. Few questions…

    Do any of you live there & whats it like?

    Can you garden year round there? (we live in cold northern michigan now and can only garden a few short months out of the year 🙁 )?

    Are there many homeschoolers there?

    Do you know if there are any state requirements for hs?

    We’re seriously considering this and praying about it ~ We would love if you would join us in prayer; that Gods will be done for our family concerning this move.

    I’m so thankful for all of you!



    I lived in Lawrenceville for many years. We had many wonderful years there. The county itself offers lots of educational opportunities in the form of field trips, etc, as well as being very close to Atlanta with many other opportunities. It is located in Gwinnett County which at one time was one of the fastest growing counties in the country. Yes you can garden probably from April – September depending on what you wish to grow. There are many homeschoolers in Gwinnett County and I am sure they have good support groups. My family moved out of Lawrenceville six years ago up to North Georgia to get away from the crowds and get to a more simple way of life. I would recommend going to for information about the homeschooling laws for Georgia. Mostly you are talking about sending in attendance forms monthly, a letter of intent once a year, testing every 3 years starting in 3rd grade, and writing a yearly assessment on each child. Please check the above website for anything I missed. If you have any other questions, please let me know and you can send a personal email if needed. I only live 1 hour and 15 minutes away from Lawrenceville.

    Jodie Apple

    We live in Tn, so I can’t answer the questions you have about Ga, but I’ll pray that God makes the answer clear for His will for your family. We had the opportunity to move last August and I know how difficult it is to make that decision. We felt God leading us in the move, so we went forward…



    Oh my goodness, all I need to do for GA homeschooling requirements sounds kind of overwhelming. I haven’t had to turn anything in for MI. I couldn’t even imagine putting my 3rd grader through testing. Those of you who have such requirements, how do you do it?

    Thanks so much for your reply, knechtslodge, I may just have to contact you further 🙂 .

    MJ, thank you for your prayers and encouragment.

    Sonya Shafer

    I live in Lawrenceville, Heather. 🙂

    We have a longer growing season, but the soil is quite different from up north. Here it’s a lot of clay. You can still have a garden, but you’ll need to add some stuff to the soil and mix it in good.

    There are LOTS of homeschoolers around here.

    Don’t worry about the legal requirements. I moved here from Chicago, where we didn’t have to turn in any information and didn’t have any requirements at all. At first I was a bit concerned, but it’s really not that hard to comply. I’ll talk you through it. Hey, there are several houses in my subdivision for sale! 😉

    Rachel White

    HI Heather,

    I live in Ga., too.! 😀 I live north of L’ville, about 1 1/2 hours. The requirements are easy. Just print out the attendance forms and mail them once a month. They don’t ask or require any particular curriculum or lack of one. YOu don’t have to provide a schedule, just marked off days of 4/1/2 hours a day for a minumum of 180 days. And as you know, it’s so easy to have “school”, that tose days alm ost fill themselves up!

    There are some new parent directed tests now that you can give. I’ll have to find them. If you use Sonya’s Organizer and method of scheduling, everything is much easier, too! I have one more year before I have to do the 3rd and up requirements.

    Yes, you can garden year-round but the soil needs much amending, first. It’s on the alkeline side, too. It’s actually easier to do a raised bed, here due to the compacted clay, unless you want to a lot of tilling! Spring planting begins in Mid-March and April; the last ave. frost date is the beginning of MAy. YOu can start a fall garden in late July and you can grow over winter several things like garlic, potatoes (sweet pot. grow well here), lettuce,greens, and carrots. All you need is a cold cover for some things and you got it made! I haven’t been in that area for a while, but it is all grown up and busy. There may be a few older homes or pockets of coun tryside left to look at. I don’t know what you’d like. Personally, I don’t care for neighbors next to me! I like them to be about 2-3 acres away!

    Please contact me personally if you like. I’m a Ga. Peach and my family has been here since the late 1700’s on one side and 1832 on the other (came from Ireland as an indentured servant), so you could say I’m partial. Plus, we’re a MUCH more conservative state than Michigan, too and L’ville being a conservative area of the state.

    I’ll pray for G-d’s will to be made clear to your husband and yourself, but He has not given you a spirit of fear!



    Rachel White

    P.S. Heather, I’ll be happy to tell you how I keep my records organized.



    Well aren’t you blessed to have the opportunity to live in the same town as Sonya. WOW!! I’m in KY so not to far away from GA. I will be praying for your family and the possible move. May God bless you and may your DH hear God loud and clear. 😀


    The testing and assessments that are required for you to do always stay with your records. At this time they do not require you to turn this information in, just to do it. I have a 9 1/2 yr old and we just did testing for the first time last May. Obviously I was very nervous about doing it, but everything turned out fine. I used the California test so that I was able to administer it myself which made it alot less stressful on both of us. Georgia is a great place to live and the climate is perfect for those that do not like alot of cold weather. God speed with your decision making. Email me if you need any other information.


    Oh Sonya, I’d love to be your neighbor! 🙂 How exciting to know you live in Lawrenceville!!! I’ll promise not to bother you too much if we move there. lol.

    Thanks, ladies, for taking a load off me about state requirements. I may need to take you up on some guidance, if GA becomes our new home.

    Rachel, gardening year round- even in the winter? Oh dream come true ~ especially for my husband! The thought of being able to get outside & do nature studies every day of the year, brings a smile to my face. 🙂

    Now, that I know many of you live there, I’m really hoping that God will say a big (as Shelly would say; LOUD & CLEAR) “yes” to my hubby. However, God knows best, so I’ll try to just be patient and accept His will either way. Thanks so much for your prayers!!

    Blessings and many thanks to all of you ~ I’ll keep you updated!


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