George Muller book substition for younger children?

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  • amama5

    I ordered the recommended family book on George Muller by Faith Coxe Bailey, and started it with my children who are 8 yrs and younger.  Maybe I’m just too picky, but the content wasn’t appropriate in my opinion yet, as far as the amount of details, and content of the details of his life.  Does anyone know of a substitution that would be better suited to younger students?  At our library I can only find Adult Non-Fiction books that are very dry.  Thanks!


    I don’t know anything about the book you mentioned, but I read this one my my oldest two were probably about 7 and 5.  We thoroughly enjoyed it:



    I take that back.  I think they were more like 8 and 6, but you get the picture!  🙂


    I have the Hudson Taylor version that Corie recommende on my shelf, waiting to read it when my children are old enough.  It looks fantastic, and YYAM also publish a HomeSchooler’s Study Guide to go with this series. Check out the YYAM website and click on HomeSchool

    I also have a VERY simple George Muller biography. It’s for pre-school/early elementary, but it might be a useful to go alongside something else as it has colourful pictures. My kids (age 6 and 4) love it and all the others in the series. Here’s the link.


    YWAM Publishing has a Heroes for Young Readers series:

    Another one we have is from BJUP called A Father to the Fatherless by Rebecca Davis.

    I think you would have no objections to either of these.


    We’ve read the YWAM version. I don’t recall anything objectionable.


    We have read some of the YWAM books and enjoyed them, I just didn’t know they were called by that name.  Our library doesn’t have the one on George Muller, but thanks for all the great suggestions, they all look good!


    Love all the YWAM books. We dont’ have any of the younger versions, but we too have not found anything questionable in the regular ones. They do share events that happened, which you might find too much for your younger children? Not sure but they are short enough you could preread as needed. And I think you could skip over as needed.


    We recommend the Trailblazer Books.


    Our family really enjoys these.  The Bandit of Ashley Downs is the George Mueller book.  Our younger kids were about 5 and 7 when I read it aloud.   I read them aloud and my dh and kids ranging from newborn to 19 all gather round to listen. 






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