Good question, Nanci. I try to tie the geography study into the region’s continent that is being studied in history. So for module 1, Ancient Egypt, we study Africa. Since A Child’s Geography, Vol. 1, is about the entire earth, it is a little too broad in compass for that particular module.
You’re certainly welcome to use it. It’s in the Bookfinder as a recommended resource, just not on the curriculum guide.
Thanks, Sonya. That makes sense. I didn’t think to look in the bookfinder.
Just wondering…a question for everyone else. Is there anyone here that liked A Child’s Geography Vol 1? Reviews on other sites have all been glowing but it doesn’t seem like there are many fans of it here.
Alright, I have to confess that I’m not really into Voskamp’s book either. We have been using it since we started school this year, and every time I open it, I hope that I’ll change my mind about it. I was really surprised that I’m not crazy about it because I LOVE Voskamp’s blog ( I guess I was hoping that this book would be written in much the same way. Instead, I do feel like it’s talking down to me and the children and that it takes SO LONG to get through one section. I honestly don’t feel like my children have learned anything from our readings thus far, but yet I keep getting it out each week.
With the other books you all have discussed, do you find it easy to adapt them to the history/geo/bible modules, even without it being divided and suggested in the module’s lessons?