Geography week instead of Geography day?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Geography Geography week instead of Geography day?

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  • Des

    Has anybody done 3 wks. of history and the 4th wk. for geography?  I’m thinking of doing this, we would get through about 9 countries each year.  We would look up the country on a map, read books about the country and culture, and possibly do a recipe and a project from our country.  We would still do the maps for our history as well and i’m thinking of buying a Geography game from Rainbow Resource.  Do you think this could work?


    That sounds like a great idea to me.  It would be easier than one day at a time to try to do what you want to do with countries.  Have fun!


    Sounds like something I may want to look at as well.


    Thanks ladies, I will “try” and update my blog and let everyone know how it goes.


    Reviving this old thread… Has anyone tried this or something like it?


    I’m wondering if there’d be too much lag time with that many weeks away from the study? Unless I deliberately reminded the kids of locations during read aloud times, I think they wouldn’t have enough consistent exposure to the maps, etc. However, it’s certainly worth trying. It may work very well. If your children are young and you are just using Holling’s books for instance, covering it in one week might make more sense. Map studies are a once a week study here most years. Some years we rarely visit them at all. When we do the once per week format, they seem to learn much more and retain it well.


    Sounds fun & a great idea!!


    I think the way Des originally described it, it sounds like she was thinking of keeping up with map work because it would wrap into history, but I definitely agree with Tailor Made that my kids NEED that regular map work if they are going to really learn it. However, I think the read alouds, recipes, etc., as she described might be a fun way to work it all in!


    Ditto Mysterious Lady in Pink…and that was just fun to type! I think the map drill would have to be kept up during the other weeks, but what a great way to fit in a more concentrated geography study!

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