Geography alternatives?

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  • Sara B.

    We mostly follow AO with some added SCM stuff thrown in and a couple of our own things for good measure.  My 5th grader started out with A Child’s Geography of the World, but we tossed it after a few chapters.  She wasn’t comfortable with the race terms, etc and some of the evolutionary overtones.  She is reading and enjoying Ann Voskamp’s Explore His Earth, and Explore the Holy Land is slated next.  I have the Book of Marvels, but I honestly think that’s out of her range for reading this year, so that one is out.  I see on the AO site it lists “geography concepts” to be learned.  They use Long’s Home Geography, but I don’t prefer books online.  Also, I’m not sure I liked how it read, just from first glance at it.  If I don’t have a book that explains it, chances are I’m not going to explain most of this stuff on our own.  And not just in 5th grade, but in the other grades, as well.  I just don’t think to do it, kwim?  🙂  Do Voskamp’s books teach those things, or are there any other alternatives that would help explain those “concepts?”

    Sara B.


    Missy OH

    There is a simple book called Geography from A to Z that has illustrations and definitions of the different land forms. Years ago, I did another curriculum that assigned two words a week from this book (you could just use the terms AO lists if you wish for the year) and the student copies the word and draws their own illustration on one side of the index card and on the other side copies the definition. She could reviews these each time she did a new card and try to find examples in her studies as she goes along.


    We have a DK My First Atlas that beautifully illustrates a ton of stuff, including map symbols and land/water forms.


    We have the A to Z book and just finished it! It is so simple but the kids loved it! And the illustrations are so bright and beautiful! We used this along w/ currclick’s—Speedy-Geography and others!


    What grade levels would the A to Z book be suitable for? Just younger children?


    I think it will be suitable for any age! 🙂 I learned a lot myself! The A-Z means only that the terms are put in alphabetical order!

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