Geography A to Z – Jack Knowlton

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  • Crystal Wagner

    Has anyone used Geography A to Z?  We’ve read several books this school year on maps.  We will be starting Maps and Globes by Jack Knowlton next week.  I would like to use Geography A to Z after we finish Maps and Globes.  But I’m not sure what to do with it.  Will it be enough to just read it?  Some of the items will be easy to find on a map, but others I don’t know if we’ll be able to find them easily.

    If you have used this book, I would love to hear any suggestions you have.



    We own this book, but we probably haven’t used it to its best/fullest potential.  We have used it more as a reference (it is essentially a geography dictionary).  When we come across a geographical term in a book/life/wherever, we look it up in that book for a definition.  I haven’t been very consistent with it though, and often forget that I have it!Embarassed  I guess I’m not very helpful… 


    We have it and simply read a page or two periodically and then point out those places/things on real maps or from real stories. It works fine for this purpose and the pictures are nice and clear.

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