I have a long list of books I’m terribly excited to read next year to my two 7yo sons for Early American History. There are a few Genevieve Foster books on the list which sound great by description but I can’t tell for what age they are written or how long they are. Without seeing them, my gut says they may best be planned for some years from now…the next time we go through this period of history. Can someone tell me more about them? What age enjoys them (I’m not looking for books that we feel we have to struggle to get through, just enjoyable ones), how many pages are there and about how many can one read in a 30 minute period?
And while I’m asking, I also have several Ronald Syme and Alice Dalgliesh books on our list which we have also never seen. I think they will be a good fit, but if folks have read any of these books and have a review for age, level of difficulty, enjoyment, etc, I’d love to hear it!
According to my booklist, SCM has the Foster books listed for the middle to upper grades. We haven’t read them yet, for precisely that reason. My oldest is in Year 5 next year, and we haven’t hit those books yet. But we’re also doing our own history rotation. AO does have Abraham Lincoln’s World listed for Year 5, though. From looking through them and seeing where they are listed in the booklists, I would say for 7yo’s, I wouldn’t attempt them.
What books do you have by Syme and Dalgliesh? Authors can have a wide varying level of reading/comprehension ability. I have Bears on Hemlock Mountain and The Courage of Sarah Noble, both by Dalgliesh, and those 2 would be great for read-alouds to 7yo’s.
We found the one Foster book we did (on Rome) a bit long. I also love Robert Clyde Bulla (think Ii have that right) books. He has a number for early American history.
KEEP the Dalgleish books in your list. Your 7yo’s will LOVE them! You may have to pick which ones you use, depending on your time, but you’ll love her books. Leave the Fosters for next pass–there is still plenty to enjoy there but they will get more out next time through. My boys LOVED Ronald Syme–we didn’t have all the titles you do, but if we had had them, we’d probably have read them. LOL Again, you may not have time for all of them since they are in close time periods but I’d definitely plan one!