Genesis History module 1

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  • Emily

    I have been trying to add up the cost of the books for the Genesis History cycle. Using as many used books as I can find I am still looking at $161. Are all of the family books required thru the year? How does this work? I will have the younger grades kids to follow and definitely use the two books listed! Thanks in Advance!!


    We have not yet used the Genesis module so I cannot speak specifically to that one, but I have alleviated some upfront costs buying term by term. The module lists books by term in addition to the complete list, so you can split it up. Sometimes I even buy just the next book as we move along. The upfront will be a bit more of course because of the spines, TM, Things they Left Behind, Bible Study for olders etc. But I have found it helps our budget a great deal to buy as I go.


    Thank you for the tip!! I’m trying to give my husband a grand total of all my subjects used. Trying to keep it under $500 for both kids!! I could use mostly digital but I’m afraid I’ll forget!! I like open and go. At least I think I would.  This will be my first year!! I’ve totally blew up this forum questions!


    I tend to buy used as much as I can. ABE Books is a great resource for used literature books and there are even FB groups for SCM curriculum. Also check homeschool classifieds for other used curriculum. I rarely purchase new books except the actual student workbooks of different curriculum. Many people will start selling in May and June as their kids  finish for the year. Also check SCM scratch dent. I have purchased almost all my picture portfolios there, as well as many other things, just picking up when I see an artist we do not have but I know we will want to study.

    It is an investment, but the upside is that so much is used for other children when you cycle back through. The past couple of years I have only have to get a handful of books for the next level because I already had all the family and younger books. And some books like Material World and Hungry Planet are used for all the Visits To… geography series which is really nice.

    I also remind myself that I don’t have to purchase back to school clothes and bulk classroom supplies for my kids classrooms, like our friends have to do for their kids in public school. 🙂


    You might be able to use the Then and Now Bible Maps pamphlet for $2.99, instead of the book.

    I buy most of our used books at Betterworldbooks.  Usually it is cheaper if I buy 6 or more “sale” books at one time and save $1.50 each, free shipping.  Or I watch for a sale, usually around the time of a holiday, for 20% off and sometimes up to 40% off their used prices.  Sometimes they are former library books, but I can’t find anywhere less expensive outside of stumbling upon one at a thrift store or library book sale.

    You could use the library for picture books which won’t get used as much as the longer, chapter books.  I bought kindle books for the Herein is Love Bible commentaries for $4.99 each.


    Thanks for sharing! I have not heard of!! When I showed my husband the materials the other night he didn’t seem very impressed with this History. He had questions about some of he books.   From the reviews , I’ve read nothing but good things about the history cycles of SCM. I am just trusting that the books have been chosen with much consideration for the child’s age. He was concerned why the older kids 7-12 used some of the same books. But it dawned on me that if you use Genesis in 1st grade then you would use it again in 7th and wouldn’t need it again for high school.  So hopefully once he agrees to homeschooling he will be okay with this cycle. I may do some printing of info for many of the books.

    Tamara Bell


    Unfortunately Pharaoh’s Boat has gone out of print.  If you can locate an inexpensive used copy, snatch it up however it you can’t, don’t feel obligated to purchase it.  You can find resources at the library that you can substitute.

    I didn’t see a mention of your children’s ages however we do suggest that if your oldest are 1st or 2nd grade, take a look at a sample of Exodus: A Commentary for Children and Numbers: A Commentary for Children.  You may want to read the commentaries for your own instruction and then read aloud only snippets or simply narrate what you read to your children.  Some families chose to omit the commentaries all together for the earlier years and that is fine.  Simply read the assigned Bible passages.

    While Genesis through Deuteronomy look a bit light, the Bible is the main history book for the guide.  My older two children and I are finishing up our final week and I can’t believe how much we learned!  I’ve been reading the Bible most of my life and I am still walking away regularly saying, “I didn’t know that,” or, “Oh!  that makes sense now.”

    I’d encourage you to become familiar with the other history guides.  There is much depth and variety of books scheduled in the guides.


    What ages/grades will they be?


    I’ll have a kindergartener and 3rd grader!


    I have still been able able to find Pharoahs boat! I may just have to order it soon!!

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