General Science – 7th gr feeling overwhelmed

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    So 7th grade is here and my son is feeling very overwhelmed in science.  Now for all this other studies he’s spending about 20-30 minutes and doing great.  Math which I thought would be a huge issue as I have said I need 2 pages done a day (MUS) is not an issue at all.

    Then out comes the science.  We are using Apologia General Science.  I bought the breakdown of how to do it and get it done in a year.  The reading/experiments are going well.  Now comes the issue.  I have him doing the summary’s that came.  There are about 17-18 questions at the end of each module and each one is like a long sentence or two with say 3-5 missing words that are to be found.

    So the 1st one was 2 days ago he got like nothing done during school time, it was like he couldn’t find them.  He was trying hard he was at my feet I know he wasn’t day dreaming.  He only got like 2 1/2 problems completed in 45 min and another problem done with my help in showing how to find answers quicker.  Day 2 roles around again he does great trying to find the answers but only gets now a total of 7 problems done in 2 days.

    He’s getting really fustrated.  And he shows this in a weird way by roling his eyes in the back of his head often.  It’s weird but it’s how he deals with stress.  Anyway, I don’t know what to do?  He is  a hard worker, very motivated but this is really bringing him down.

    Do I just let him keep working at 45 min intervals until he gets it done?(this is my 1st reaction and gut feeling)  Will it get easier as he learns what he should be studing as he reads with each lesson? (how to know what’s important and what’s not?) He can narrate to me very well daily.  Just so you know.  And of course what if he doen’t finish the book in a year? 

    Would love your feed back , espcially if you’ve used these books.  Thanks Misty


    HI, Misty.  Your son is not the first child to have a bit of trouble switching to General Science. 

    OK.  Reading is going well,  He is narrating well.  Good!  What are the summaries?  I guess I’m confused–I never did those I don’t think.  We did the On Your Own questions throughout the text–how is he doing on those?  We used those as discussion/narrating points.  Then we answered the Study Questions, those were definitions (my sons HATED those!) and other questions over the material.  We often worked together at first as they progressed through these.  The test questions were often taken direclty from these study questions.  Then we would do the “test” although I kept it less serious-sounding than that.  If he missed something, we’d look it up in the book and go over it again.  I don’t know what the summaries are, though.  Do you think they are necessary?  Sounds like borderline busy work to me.  If he can answer the questions and knows the definitions, then I think he’s doing fine.  If his narrations are going well, then you are off to a good start.  I never did the summaries. 

    And, if it takes two years to get through the book–it takes two years.  That’s OK.  We’ve done that too.  We just slowed down the plans from to half-speed and took it from there and nothing bad happened.  This book is really a “get ready for high school science” practice.  If he needs more time, take more time. 

    And yes, it will get easier as he gets used to the text and how to use it.  Hang in there, discuss with dh if you think he really needs the summaries, take time if you need it.  You’re doing fine!  I’d rather he spend the time on the study questions than the summaries, if  that makes it less frustrating for him, then all good.  If he needs to review the proper sections before he can answer the questions at first, that’s OK too.  This book takes some getting used to.  It WILL get better.  I think the first module is the hardest module in Apologia Science, maybe.  I’m sure my kids thought so!!!!


    I just want to agree with Bookworm!  Every child I know, including my own, have struggled with it.  


    FWIW, we’re doing Apologia Physical Science this year. We started out with a plan to take about 2 weeks per module and finish the book this year. Well, I ended up deciding to slow it down even more. Another homeschooling mom shared with me what she did with Apologia and was very encouraging about taking it slower if need be. So I decided to stretch it out to probably about 1 1/2 years instead of trying to get it all done in 1 year. We are taking about 4 weeks on Module 1…that includes reading it in small sections and narrating, reviewing, doing 1 experiment, completing the On Your Own questions, spending some extra time on some mathematical equations in the module, doing the study guide and finally, taking a test. Basically, what it breaks down to is about 3 weeks for the material in the module and then a week to do the study guide, discuss, and take the test. And we’re reviewing a lot – what I consider mini-narrations. We review almost daily. My daughter just did the Study Guide today for Module 1 and she did very well on it! And I have to tell you, I’m not real fond of the study guides or tests myself. The study guides and tests do seem to be more difficult than your average study guide and test. I agree with Bookworm in that it will probably take some time to get used to the material. My daughter has already done General Science.

    I’m not for sure at this point if I want to actually give the tests that come with the material, or if I want to do a more CM style test. On the one hand, I think it would be good for her to take the tests just for the experience. On the other hand, I think the CM way would work really well. I have actually done what I call a mini-assessment on the last two Fridays. One Friday I asked my daughter to tell me all she knows about atoms and molecules. She did wonderfully well! I was so thrilled because when we first started the material and I asked her about what she read, she could hardly tell me anything! I think my daughter does really well with questions in a CM style like “Tell me all about…..” “What did you learn about…..” etc.

    So my thinking is that I might see what they ask on the test and then make my own CM style test. Plus she will also have to write out the definitions of the vocabulary. I do require her to learn the vocabulary in each module.

    Okay, so I’ve rambled a bit. 🙂 I hope it was somewhat helpful! LOL

    I agree with Bookworm to take the time you need. Go slow if it’s needed. Review if it’s needed.


    I agree with all of the above. 

    The summaries came with the new editions of Apologia courses.  We have the first edition of General Science but the second edition of Physical Science.  The Second editions include the summaries and also quarterly tests. Both things will add time  to completeing the modules.

    I also wanted to say that if you are on the very first module in General Science, then I remember that being a very difficult module as it is more historical.  It is about all those different scientists, right?  I think it may be the most difficult module.  I did this one with my kids rather than let them go it alone.  We are doing Physical Science this year and so far I go over the summaries with my son.  We fill in the blanks together and I use the answer book. If your son is narrating well, I might say those summaries are unnecessary. With my first child, who is now in Physics, I don’t think we did any  of the summaries in Biology, Chemistry,or Physical Science.  He catches on to things pretty easily so it wasn’t a problem.  It may be different with my second. 🙂




    I think that you’ve recieved great advice from everyone already!  Go at the pace that you and your son are comfortable, and don’t feel compeled to complete everything!  We have the first edition of that text, as well, and feel like just the On Your Own questions, along with the study guide and text are enough.


    Also, if you don’t finish in a year you can either keep going and get done on your schedule, or just don’t do the whole thing.  For us, there were two modules at the end we didn’t get to, and I know when I was in school we didn’t EVER do every single page in every textbook.  I fared alright Wink and I figure that our son will, too!


    Ok so no more worring.  The summary and study questions are different ways of doing the same thing.  He does narrate good.  Says the on your own questions are fine because it’s usually what he read that day.  So I guess we keep pushing along. 

    2 more things:

    After 45 min of good, hard work I should just let him go correct?

    Also, for the test.. did you do it orally or writen?  Maybe a mix of both?

    What are your thoughts?  Thanks everyone.  Glad to know this is just a new step, a tough 1st chapter and things will progress nicely over time.  Misty


    Yes, I’d let him go if he worked that long steadily.  And yes, a mix of orally and written would be GREAT.  You’ll find there will be diagrams to label and visual info like that, he could write those, do the short answer and definitions orally if you wanted.  You’re doing great!  It’ll get easier after Mod 1.


    Agreeing with Bookworm. 

    We did most of the tests orally, especially with my second son.  He has a desire to write the tests this year so we will do that for Physical Science.

    Take your time and enjoy,



    I just wanted to come back and say that since I commented last, my daughter took her first test for the Apologia Physical Science. I ended up making a CM-styled test along with a vocabulary section where she had to write out the definitions for each term. She did very well. I think I am probably going to stick with CM-style tests for now. 🙂


    I have heard from some of our co-op moms that Apologia is a bit hard and heavy on math, so they adjusted as needed for their child. It is a good solid program though but you do have to tweek it from what I was told. Good thing about homeschool is you can take your time and make up your own tests…you can even school year round if you feel “behind”.


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