Hello everyone. I don’t have a high schooler yet but still have some general questions about high school for when my dd gets there. She is only in the 5th grade now but I can’t help but already be curious as to what I will do when she gets to high school. It seems like it will be difficult. We are just no transitioning to CM and I won’t really be grading anything. I don’t see any reason for it now but I know that one has to grade stuff in high school so should I go ahead and give tests and grade stuff now (just to get her used to it). I don’t see any need for it but I also don’t want her to get stressed in high school because of grades when she has never had things graded before. Also, what kinds of high school assignments are graded? Do you give exams? Grade papers? How much do you grade? How do you put together a transcript when they are about to graduate? Any ideas or advice is welcome. I just like to think ahead…especially when it comes to somthing that is kinda scary to me. Homeschooling during high school scares me a little but I want to homeschool my daughter all the way up. Thanks!
Be blessed,