Gen-Deut. Module 1 condensed?

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  • morgrace

    For those of you who have used it, can the Gen-Deut. history module be condensed?

    Here’s why I’m asking…it’s my last lingering question about the history modules. I hope this makes sense. Here goes: My children will be about three years apart in school. My daughter would start her history by jumping in at module 3 (Rome). I’d feel best about teaching both Greece & Rome (modules 2 & 3) AFTER having done module 1 and laying down a foundation about what God says about idols. I really think having a foundation based on truth first would be best for my kids before studying mythology in any depth. It seems to me that it’s only Modules 2 & 3 that this could be an issue… So, if it turns out that I feel I need to do history separate for her in first grade, can I condense Module 1 a bit, so she will still be able to join in the rotation (Rome) later in the year? Or should I just plan on two separate histories that year? Is this even an issue? Is she likely to pick up enough from just being around as a preschooler during her brother’s run through Gen-Deut. ?

    While I don’t want to make extra work for myself, if it means giving my daughter a measure of truth to compare everything else with I’ll do it. I guess I’m looking for some feedback from those moms who have had younger children jump into Greece/Rome.


    Hi morgrace,

    I have 4 kids all 3 years apart – 9 yo dd, 6 yo ds, 3 yo dd, 6 month old ds. We are finishing up Module 3 (Ancient Rome) right now and my 6 yo has just jumped in with us this year. It has not been an issue at all for us and I am so glad we study it together, for many reasons.

    I think a lot depends upon how your family studies the Bible already. We have family devotions – reading a children’s Bible, the Bible, a missionary bio., character study, etc. – daily outside of our school time. By 1st grade my kids are well grounded in what we believe and what God says about many issues. I view the Bible portion of the curriculum guides/handbooks as Biblical History more than our primary Bible study for character and spiritual development. Your situation may be different, but for us, jumping in in the middle isn’t a problem.




    Thanks Christie,

    I don’t know why I didn’t think about Bible study/devotions outside of “school time”. We do a little bit of that right now. Maybe this is going to sound dumb of me, but I’m going to ask anyway… how did you set up your devotions? Can you point me a general direction on how to do this with my kids? Right now I just let them each pick one Bible story for me to read each day. (My daughter always picks Jonah!) Maybe something with a bit more thought put into it on my part would help me feel that they’re getting the foundation they need.


    We’ve read Bible stories to them since they were babies – random at first, then we start reading them chronologically from a story Bible. Kenneth Taylor’s Family Time Bible for the little toddlers is one we like. Then we move to Catherine Vos’ Story Bible and the Bible, of course. Sometimes we read from or through a devotional book  of sorts (see below). We pray together. We also like the following resources:

    • Scripture Memory System from this site
    • Foundations Bible Verses w/ pictures (from Children Desiring God. I also like their Sunday School curriculum w/ chronological Bible stories and a go along coloring book)
    • My ABC Bible Verses
    • Children’s Book of Character 1 & 2
    • Little Visits with God
    • More Little Visits With God
    • Wisdom & the Millers
    • Storytime and the Millers
    • Missionary Stories and the Millers
    • YWAM Missionary Biographies

    We expose our kids to the mission field all around them, here and abroad, by:

    • praying for, financially supporting & befriending missionaries
    • collecting food & clothing for the needy in town, etc.
    • going on short term mission trips (1 week to 1 month) – we’ve taken 2 of our kids to Dominica and we’ve been to Africa, Haiti, Ukraine, Cuba, etc. doing mission work. We are planning on taking all 4 on a month long trip next year.

    My husband grew up in a believing family doing these things, but I came to Christ as an adult & knew nothing of the spiritual training of children. When our first child was born, I panicked and was constantly concerned that I was going to miss some important step, but my husband assured me that it is a lifestyle of living, breathing & sharing with them daily as we go through life. I rejoice that my 2 oldest came to Christ & were baptized this year. They are growing in Him and it is my biggest praise!

    Be encouraged! I love the verse – Romans 8:38-39.



    Thank you tremendously Christie! While I have been reading to them from a children’s Bible and we pray and talk about God as it relates to things throughout the day – I haven’t made an effort to plan anything else. Thank you for sharing the resources you’ve used and reminding me that passing on faith is done by our lifestyles, not just the books we read. How wonderful to see your children come to Christ! I can only imagine how awesome that must be!

    Thank you again for taking the time to answer my questions and the encouragement! And what a great verse 🙂 

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