G.A. Henty Books (audiobooks, too) – What ages?

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  • missceegee

    What ages do you recommend Henty for? What about listening to audiobooks?

    I’ve just downloaded one for free, but I’m unfamiliar with the author.




    Hi Christie,

    We started Henty books around 12, though I know many start younger.  Jim Weiss has several of them on audio which are superb!

    Blessings ~ Heather

    My boys listened to The Cat of Bubastes last year for the first time.  They were 7 & 8 at the time.  They love the story.  Since have listened to it many many times over.  




    Rachel White

    Christie, just a note in case you didn’t know, Jim Weiss’ versions are abridged ( a good place to start a younger one, around 10) whereas Jim Hodges does his in as unabridged versions, plus vocabulary lists.http://jimhodgesaudiobooks.com/about_henty.html

    Also, there’s a book called: A Bpy’s GUide to the Historical advetnures of G.A. Henty:http://www.amazon.com/Guide-Historical-Adventures-Vocabulary-Warrior/dp/1929241151

    I understand that many start reading them between 10 and 14 depending upon their abilities.


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