Here are two video based learning sites I’d never seen before. Both came from an article I read when discussing the post about the MLS. I have not looked deeply, but they look like there might be some interesting “how to” type of videos geared toward technology, web design, photography, etc. has some very good content and they cover a large variety of subjects.
W3Schools is focused mostly on web technology. They show up all the time when doing web searches on those topics, but I usually avoid them because their information tends to be outdated.
Another one is Code School. They focus on web technologies and programming. The content is very good quality and they have some pre-defined paths to help walk you through courses in a logical order.
Tuts+ is another one that is mostly web technology. I think they have a combination of video and written materials. I’ve seen some good material here too.
@ChristineAZ, I’ve not looked into YouthDigital much but I’ve seen the recent ads. Here are a few observations from a quick look.
From what I can see, it’s pretty much focused on making or modifying games. That would probably be motivating for some students, however, I know some parents would prefer to stay away from games.
The programming language they use for most things (Java) has fallen out of favor for most parts of the industry, but it does teach the concepts of programming logic and structure, which can be applied universally. It could be a good stepping stone to move into other technologies for the web, for example.
Most of the programming tools they use are Windows only, so that woudn’t work well for families with a Mac.
Thank you that was very helpful! I did not know that Java is not “in” anymore ( well this comes from a gal who had to learn Basic and Pascal in school many decades ago). So what is “in” currently ?
It depends what segment of things you’re in. Java is still used for some games and for Android development. But it’s completely fallen out of favor for use on the web because it’s such a security risk to run on a website.
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