Fun bird project

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  • CindyS

    Since the Great Backyard Birdcount (ahem) officially started today, it reminded me of a fun project my son has done a few times. He sets up a ‘dummy’ in a chair next to the birdfeeder with a tray of birdseed on its lap for a few days. Then after that, he takes the dummy’s place. We have such cute pictures of the birds perched all over him. In one photo, it even looks like a bird is talking to him!

    Karen Smith

    I’ve always wanted to try to get the birds to perch on me, but never had the time to sit out in a chair every day so they could get used to me being there. I never thought about using a dummy. Thanks for the great idea!

    Doug Smith

    Here’s the link for the Great Backyard Bird Count. They have some nice resources there and entering your counts on the site is part of the fun.


    What an awesome idea Cindy. I would never of thought of doing that. My boys would be just thrilled to have a bird sit with them.


    Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the Great Backyard Bird Count this year! Doug has the link above.

    Jodie Apple

    Thanks for the reminder!

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