FS: Thornton Burgess and Wind/Willows

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  • lauraz76

    I bought these used at a thrift-type store, but my kiddo just has never gotten into them.  I thought this crowd might appreciate them, so I’m basically just selling them for cost + media mail shipping.  

    The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame.  It’s a 1987 edition, hardback, 9.5x8x1″.  $4.50

    Thornton Burgess Animal Stories, boxed set of 6.  The Adventures of:  Grandfather Frog, JOhnny Chuck, Prickly Porky, Reddy Fox, Jerry Muskrat and Buster Bear. $6.00

    If you wanted both, I might be able to reduce the price as shipping would be combined. 

    Let me know by PM is best.





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