SCM Genesis-Deut/Egypt (3rd Edition), Stuff They Left Behind-Egypt, Ancient Egypt & Her Neighbors and The Cat of Bubastes $50ppd
SCM Joshua-Malachi/Ancient Greece Study Guide (2nd Edition), Stuff They Left Behind-Greece, The Story of the Greeks (Christine Miller edition), Black Ships Before Troy & The Wanderings of Odyssesus $6oppd.
I am interested in the bundle with Joshua-Malachi.. I will get back to you for a definite yes or no tomorrow, I need to double check what we are needing for next year
Kimberly, I am not able to pm you. Would you be willing to break the set up? We wouldn’t be needing the Black ships before troy or the wandering of Odyssesus. you can email me back at rrspeth {at} yahoo {dot} com
Yes, I would be willing to break up the sets if there are items that someone doesn’t need. Go to; My page is kimm and you can email me directly from there. Thanks!