FS: Sabbath Mood Homeschool Biology & Physics Form 3-4

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  • MelissaB

    All done with our term of Biology Form 3-4 using Sabbath Mood Homeschool science.  She says roughly grades 7-9, tho I added my 10th grader with my 7th grader because he’s had no biology experience and it was great for him too.  I have the study guide (spiral bound) and Men, Microscopes, & Living Things book (paperback) available for a new home.  All you need to add are labs supplies, which were all easy to obtain.  Both items are in gently used condition/nice condition.  I’d like $20ppd for the set.

    Also available is our Sabbath Mood Homeschool Physics form 3-4 guidebook.  This is roughly grades 7-9 too, but Nicole says in her FAQ if the student doesn’t have physics experience, this should be done before the high school level one, so I had all three boys (7th, 10th, & 12th grades) do it together.  This was a favorite!  Again, easy to obtain lab supplies are needed and so is the text as we just borrowed it from the library for the term.  I’d like $10ppd for the guide.  In gently used/nice condition.

    If you’d like both, $25ppd for all.

    If interested, please email me – noboty at kalama dot com




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