Fruits of the Spirit/Character self-evaluation sheets

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  • skuennen

    I have recently, much to my sadness, misplaced my folder that held all of my kids self-evaluation sheets and my evaluations for all of their subjects in the past 2.5 years 🙁 I got the originals from a link a person had posted in one of your discussions about grading/evaluating our kids. Does anyone know of these or have something similar? I really liked them and they spurred on very good conversations with my kids. Thanks for your help!


    Here is a link to charachter evaluations.  I don’t know if this is what you are looking for.


    These came from Lindafay’s Higher Up and Further In blog (same as and are copyrighted to her and are available for personal use only. Her blog is a treasure trove of CM ideas! I simply put them in chart form as I like charts!

    Character Report

    Progres Report




    Thanks for posting your charts, Christie. I love those! This will save me a lot of work (less pondering, less chart-designing), and the progress report is much simpler than the “report card” that prints from my scheduler.

    I’m going to have to take another look at the HUFI blog, too.

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