From Exploring Creation w/ Anatomy/Physiology to Apologia General Science?

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  • danceandbeglad

    *Thinking ahead for next year..*

    I am wondering how much more detail the General Science course offers in the area of Anatomy/Physiology compared to the Exploring Creation with A/P book we’re currently using.  It looks like nearly half of the General Science book is devoted to similar material, and it’s so pricy!  Has anyone used or gone through both books?

    I wondered if maybe next year I could just use The Fossil Book and The Geology Book that SCM recommends along with some hands-on simple machines stuff, review the scientific method, etc. Do you think I will be adequately preparing my ds12 for Physical Science the following year using this approach?! (BTW we’ve also completed several other books in the young explorer series.) Any thoughts would be welcome!


    We have done both.  There is some overlap between the two, but I think the General Science goes a bit more in depth.  It also helps transition kids to a more textbooky approach because if your child plans to go to college they’re going to need to be familiar with textbooks.  As far as the price — if you’re willing to go with a 1st edition text, I found them used last year very inexpensively.  I think I only paid about $10 for ours and it’s a hardcover in excellent condition.


    that’s great to know there is a 1st edition I may be able to get inexpensively-I will be looking to pick one up.  Thank you for your imput as well!


    We have enjoyed using the Master’s books (Astronomy, Geology, etc.). IMO, these work well for building up background information for later textbook use, or continued living books use. We use them along with other library books and they also work well for nite taking practice, key word outlines (IEW,) etc. We haven’t used Apologia for early grades and looked at it years ago for our older children and chose to continue living books, reference books, etc.



    P.S. Our eldest daughter is 17 and plans to add the Master’s series books to the library she’s building for her future family. She enjoyed then that much. ;0)


    Wow. Typing on a phone when your tired makes for quite a few spelling errors.


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