Okay, I’m having a hard time deciding where my money would be best spent right now. It sounds silly but I’m on a very tight budget and have to be careful how I spend my money. So here are the few things I’m considering right now. A new rug, which might sound silly but our rug is getting warn and I have a baby that will be crawling soon. The 2nd thing is a writing center (organization for all writing/paper and art supplies, I’m also considering the SCM DVD’s which I don’t have yet, or should I spend it on new books/science/nature supplies? I just can’t decide. I will have more money to put towards our learning within the next month or so, so it’s not like I can’t get things later. I just have to get a little bit at a time.
I would love to get some opinions on where you would spend your money.
We were gifted a carpet cleaner a few years ago (A bissel) and it has made our rugs last so much longer! Between 4 kids, 2 dogs, and 5 cats, those carpets can get dirty and worn quickly. Since we’ve gotten the carpet cleaner, our carpets have lasted twice as long. Not sure how worn your carpet is, or how large of an area you need to cover in carpet, but maybe a carpet cleaner may be a cheaper option. Just tossing the idea out there!
And I know in our area, we have homeschool sales in the next few months, so maybe you can buy some things used to save money and make the money stretch further?
This may sound cheesy, but I would ask God how he would have you spend the money. Recently, I was considering whether to buy an Excalibur dehydrator, 2 chairs for our living room, or a new rug. None of them were “have to” items. My husband (aka the “love machine” if you’re familiar with yesterday’s post lol) didn’t care what I bought. But when I get it in my head that I want something, I have a hard
time letting go of it. So I waited and asked The Lord to provide for my desires or to show me if there was another way to spend the money. Lo and behold, my dh surprised me with the dehydrator! So at least that took care of that desire. The Lord provided!
The one day my husband and I were in a furniture store. I had been keeping my eye on a pair of chairs that I liked and waiting for them to go on sale. The day we were in this store, those chairs were on sale, along with the perfect rug for our living room. To top it all off, I had a 20% off coupon for this store, so we ended up buying all three and spending half of what we had originally talked about! It was a pretty exciting day.
I know a lot of people would say that I over-spiritualized this, but it was a little way that God showed me that He not only knows my desires, but if I’ll trust Him with them, He will bless me. This doesn’t mean I always get what I want. There are many desires I have which have not come to pass (adopting, foreign mission work), but I know my God knows exactly what I (and you) need right when we need it.
I just encourage you to ask the Father what He would have you buy or what order to buy it in. You never know how He is going to work or that He might even provide all those things. Because He’s a good daddy who gives good things to His kids.
Perhaps cleaning the carpet and organizing your papers would be a good place to start. Then get the DVDs and watch those. I bet that they will help you choose how to spend your money on things you really need for school! 😉
Sorry if I was cliche kimhuff5. I promise I’m not one of those people who prays about everything she buys! Maybe I should be??
I went to Starbucks this morning and didn’t ask God if that’s how I was supposed to spend $10! Honestly, I think there are some things that God probably doesn’t care one way or the other!