Freezing homemade pizzas

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  • Sara B.

    Curious what anyone uses as bases to freeze homemade pizzas, like those circle things that the grocery store ones use?  I can get those if I need to (but where?), but I’d rather have something re-usable, kwim?  I know I’ll probably have to wrap them in plastic wrap, but a base would be nice to use something re-usable.  I’m thinking I’d make a minimum of 3-4 pizzas at a time, so it can’t be horribly expensive, either.  Thoughts or ideas?


    Sara  🙂



    You don’t need anything.  Make the pizzas in your pans.  Freeze them immediately.  Then pop them out of the pans, wrap well, and freeze flat (put on a flat surface in your freezer)  Then, when you want to thaw them, take them out, unwrap them, put them back on your pans, and bake when thawed.



    blue j


    I was going to say the same thing – just freeze and pop out of the pan.

    Sara B.

    Thanks to you both!  Is there a chance that they’ll break, though?  We have a large chest freezer where they’ll be stored.  Anything I should know to keep them “safe?”  🙂

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