I have come across some worksheets that were designed by a HS’ling blogger and thought I would pass them along to you, in case they would be handy. There are 13 of them. I know I am going to be using this book with mine in a year or so when they are 11 and 12.
I signed up for the Scribd account to access them, but then Scribd said it was archived. I could get it for free if I uploaded something, but I don’t have anything to share. What now? I don’t want to pay anything.
But right underneath the title of her blog post she says, “*** If you are having issues with Scribd, try viewing all of these documents with Google Docs.***”
I clicked on that (her blog takes you directly there) and I could view those without any problems.
You could download them using the Google docs with the link at the top; then another page comes up that you can click on for each worksheet. After you click, then click print on the next page and a PDF pops up, then you can print or right-click download and ‘save target as’.
I just looked at the first page for the Ambleside worksheets and the other link, and I think they might be the same. Sorry, I should have checked first.
I am not sure how I will break it up yet. There are 17 worksheets to go with each chapter. I have not got my book from Amazon yet, so I am not sure how much we will read per week. Also, the latter chapters’ worksheets look a little hard…..I am just unsure right now as to how I will go about using it all.
That was no help to you at all, I am sure. Sorry 😉
I went to the AmbleRamble group and searched there for “Grammar Land” threads – most of the ladies said they do just one chapter a week and that their children love it. I think I’ll start with that and see how it goes. Very excited about this!
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