Free economics resource

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  • Bookworm

    I just found out today that John Stossel, who used to be on 20/20 and have ABC specials, and is now on a show on Fox Business, has free videos available for teachers–homeschoolers qualify.  There are 3 free videos here:

    He has also cut the price of his high school economics course from $60 to $20. 

    John Stossel is a libertarian, if this makes a difference to you, and a free-market advocate.  We’ve enjoyed him very much over the years.  His Fox show does occasionally treat topics we choose not to discuss in such detail, but these are not on those topics (for instance, he believes in legalizing drugs and prostitution–just a heads-up). 

    Thought this might be a blessing to someone!


    thanks bookworm.  Also we are loving the books you mentioned for economics or I should say book as we have just started the 1st one and on week 2.  The kids are listening good, by little ones even try to participate.  LOL Misty


    This looks great. Thanks for sharing. 

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