I am really excited that I just found this! We have had a really busy week & in the car a bit more than usual. This was a great way to do our Bible reading on the go AND my daughter gave excellent narrations afterwards. I think I may just use this for all of our Bible readings. It really grabbed her attention. https://www.biblegateway.com/audio/dramatized/niv/Gen.4
I thought I saw something about this somewhere…isn’t it only the book of Genisis or maybe even just a few chapters of it?
It seems similar to what I saw, if it’s the one with a huge cast of popular people.
If it’s the whole bible free, it sounds great! The one I heard of was where you have to pay for all the other books of the Bible they offer.
Oh, now it’s coming back…I think I saw a review on Amazon and a few people mentioned that the seller’s make it seem like you get all the Bible for free, but you don’t.
If you click on the link that was provided you will see that you can change book, chapter and verse and it is all dramatized. There is an advertisement underneath for the entire NIV bible on cd for purchase, but you can listen online free of cost.