FREE Comprehensive Outline & Control Maps @ Worksheet Works

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Geography FREE Comprehensive Outline & Control Maps @ Worksheet Works

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  • missceegee

    I LOVE map drill. It is so simple and effective. I DETEST finding my cd or searching online each time I need a map. I’ve recently been looking for a simpler, ready-made option. After purchasing some from Memoria Press and being disappointed, I decided to make my own using the resources I own (Uncle Josh’s and Wonder Maps and a few other workbooks) or free resources from online.

    I’m currently making US Map Drill Notebooks – Student and Teacher versions. Originally, I was going to put both the outline map and the control into one folder for each child, but I decided against that to save on printing and to make sure their folder holds only their work. Each will be spiral bound with my pro-click. The teacher version will be printed on cardstock. I’m also having a master copy in a notebook, just in case. 

    • USA Coversheet
    • TOC to hand numbered pages
    • USA Map (Maps of the USA)
    • Regional Map/Questions (Maps of the USA)
    • State Maps in alphabetical order (Worksheet Works)
    • Time Zone Map (Maps of the USA)
    • Climate Map (Maps of the USA)
    • Waterways of the USA (Maps of the USA)
    • Mountains and Deserts of the USA (Maps of the USA)
    • Quizzes for States and Capitals (Worksheet Works)
    • List of Resources and links

    I may think of a few more things to add. I think I will try to make little notebooks like this prior to each year and that way we will always be ready to go. Perhaps someday they will be offered for sale and I can snap them up. 

    HTH someone else.


    ETA – Worksheet Works Blank Outline maps are available in a variety of styles requiring a little to a lot of writing and there is the option of printing a word bank at the bottom.


    That looks great,Christie! I love worksheetworks site! We have been using it for a while! I highly recommend it too 🙂 Even for extra math!


    This looks great!  I love the math and handwriting sheets too!  Thanks for sharing!


    My favorite part of the outline maps is that you can incl physical geography and a word bank at the bottom.

    Katrina in AK

    Christie, I love this idea.

    A question: in each child’s notebook, are they writing in new states each week? Are they laminated for reuse?

    A ProClick is on my wish list, and this seems to be a perfect use.


    I’m making a Teacher or Control book with all of the labeled maps, currently the USA, regions of the USA, individual states, waterways of USA, mountains and deserts, climate and time zone. Also has a list of states, capitals, and postal abbreviations. 60 pages total. I’m printing two copies because I have two doing map drill at a time and while we could share, I can print cheaply.

    Student copy has 60 pages too. All of the same but unlabeled. The blank state maps have rivers and mountains, etc. at the bottom is a word bank. I will have them label capital, major cities, and a few physical features using the control map book or a variety of atlas state books. They will add details like postal abbreviations, a fact or two they find interesting to each state page. The regional maps and specialty maps have an associated worksheet they will complete.

    I don’t know how fast we will go, but I will have them use a wet erase pen on a clear page protector first and eventually have them label with colored pencils on the paper.

    This is more detailed than we’ve ever done, but I would like them very familiar with USA geography. We use ipAd, online and board games too. I don’t think we will have this much detail for other countries/continents, but I am going to try to put books together ahead of time again that have countries, capitals, major cities and major physical geo. things like Andes Mountains.



    That is an amazing website.  Thank you for posting it!  I used it this afternoon when my daughter wanted a blackline map of Arizonia. Good luck on your project!


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