Found an amazing handicraft idea!!

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  • HollyS

    I came across a tutorial for handmade books this morning on Pinterest.  Today we had handicrafts and nature study on the schedule and it fit in with both topics really well…They now have some cute homemade books for nature study, and they are so inexpensive we can afford to replace them every season (or month)!  They’d also be great for other subjects like writing or copywork (or just drawing).  My DC needed a bit of help at first, buy my 10 and 8yos made several more this afternoon on their own!


    This is so wonderful, Holly. I forgot all about making books with my kids….something i have been meaning to do for awhile and you have made it so easy!


    We’ve done similar ones. We use a hammer and nail to put holes in the spine for sewing thicker books. My kids love them. I blogged about it last fall with the simple tutorial we found in a book I was reviewing, if case you want to see pictures:

    We went on to make them with our homeschool book club one month after reading The Story Girl by LM Montgmery (author of Anne of Green Gables) because the children in the story had dream journals in little notebooks. We made our own little notebooks as a group. Worked out great!

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