I am a college student who has been given the opportunity to have complete control over two house churches children’s programs. Each church has around 10 children who range in age from 3-8. I will have them for around an hour every other week.
I would like to have a hymn/song time, an applicable activity, and teaching straight from the bible. Someone suggested dancing as well. Would memorizing a scripture work with only meeting every other week?
I am the only guaranteed leader. I will be who runs the programs. I am asking my college friends (I go to a Christian College) if they are interested and the pastor said that they really just need someone to run the program and that they would have members who would help in a rotating fashion if needed.
Do you have any advice, ideas, dreams of how you would run/want run such a program, or what has worked for you? I am a freshman Bible Teacher major so I have a desire to do this, but no real experience yet!
My suggestion after working with kids for many years.
Singing time (10 minutes)
fun movement songs like Peter, James and John in the fishing boat (2-4 of these work wonders for getting out wiggles)
hymn – perhaps one per semester since you’ll only meet every other week
Memory Work (5-10 minutes) – send it home w/ kids
Books of the Bible (I taught all 66 to 3-4 year olds one year.)
Twelve Sons of Jacob
Verses, of course (I like the Foundations verse pack with pictures from Children Desiring God, but you could make your own.)
Sword drills for older ones
Bible Story (15-20 minutes)
Penny Gardner’s list from her site would be a good starting point.
I like chronological
Kids that age always like flannel board stories (I have the Betty Lukens set)
ask open ended type narratioon questions
toss a ball to choose who answers
Prayer Time (5-10 minutes)
Take their requests and make notes so you can follow up with praises later
pray for missionaries, those who are ill, etc.
Activity (10m) – varies, but not cut and paste type things. If you’re making something it should be lovely and/or useful, not something destined for the trash.
Bible bingo
snack like fishes and loaves where appropriate
something to help apply activity (washing feet)
Hope that helps give you one idea of how it could work. Blessings in the new endeavor.
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