Forming a CM Children's Program

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  • CULlamaGirl



    I am a college student who has been given the opportunity to have complete control over two house churches children’s programs. Each church has around 10 children who range in age from 3-8. I will have them for around an hour every other week.


    I would like to have a hymn/song time, an applicable activity, and teaching straight from the bible. Someone suggested dancing as well. Would memorizing a scripture work with only meeting every other week?


    I am the only guaranteed leader. I will be who runs the programs. I am asking my college friends (I go to a Christian College) if they are interested and the pastor said that they really just need someone to run the program and that they would have members who would help in a rotating fashion if needed.


    Do you have any advice, ideas, dreams of how you would run/want run such a program, or what has worked for you? I am a freshman Bible Teacher major so I have a desire to do this, but no real experience yet!


    Thanks for your time




    My suggestion after working with kids for many years.

    • Singing time (10 minutes)

      • fun movement songs like Peter, James and John in the fishing boat (2-4 of these work wonders for getting out wiggles)
      • hymn – perhaps one per semester since you’ll only meet every other week

    • Memory Work (5-10 minutes) – send it home w/ kids

      • Books of the Bible (I taught all 66 to 3-4 year olds one year.)
      • Twelve Sons of Jacob
      • Verses, of course (I like the Foundations verse pack with pictures from Children Desiring God, but you could make your own.) 
      • Sword drills for older ones

    • Bible Story (15-20 minutes)

      • Penny Gardner’s list from her site would be a good starting point. 
      • I like chronological
      • Kids that age always like flannel board stories (I have the Betty Lukens set)
      • ask open ended type narratioon questions
      • toss a ball to choose who answers

    • Prayer Time (5-10 minutes)

      • Take their requests and make notes so you can follow up with praises later
      • pray for missionaries, those who are ill, etc.

    • Activity (10m) – varies, but not cut and paste type things. If you’re making something it should be lovely and/or useful, not something destined for the trash.

      • Bible bingo
      • snack like fishes and loaves where appropriate
      • something to help apply activity (washing feet)

    Hope that helps give you one idea of how it could work. Blessings in the new endeavor.


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