I just added some instructions to the bottom of the Welcome & Guidelines post that gives tips on how to format your text to make it display nicely. It covers things like separating paragraphs, making text bold, and marking a block of text as a quote.
Take a look and let us know if anything needs clarification or if there are other things we should add. Thanks.
Now I’m embarrassed. I did read the directions and I don’t understand them. Are these words that I type or keys that I’m supposed to know exist on my keyboard? Sorry.
Excellent question, Cindy. Don’t be embarrassed at all. I’m sure there are a bunch of other moms breathing a sigh of relief right now and thinking, “Oh, good, I’m glad she asked that!”
I’ll take a stab at answering (since Doug taught me some of this stuff) and whatever I goof up he can straighten out. 🙂
If you want to make a word or phrase appear in italics, type the italics-code at the front and back of the word or phrase. The beginning of the code is typed by doing a shift-comma key for the < ; then type the letters “em” ; then type the shift-period key for the closing > . At the end of the word or phrase that you want italicized, do the same thing but insert a slash (no-shift-question-mark key) in front of the “em.”
Hmmm, . . . I’m not sure I’m helping here. Does that make any sense?
The nice thing about all of this is that it’s totally optional. You can ignore it unless want to use it. Oh, and no embarrassment allowed because this it much harder than it should be (yeah, I’m working on it.) 🙂
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