We are so enjoying reading more together. My youngest is especially enjoying Among the Pond People. I continually forget to ask the children to narrate back to me though. Does anyone else do this? Do you have any tips to help me remember? OR is this a “habit” that I need to work on developing?
P.S. I’d put Cindy S as my signature to differentiate me from the other Cindy but she’s Cindy S also! 😀 Are you blonde too?
Yes, I forget when things get hectic. One thing that helps me is to keep a bookmark with narration ideas/comprehension cues in the books we’re reading. That also helps me keep things fresh as far as narration methods.
Well, I’m not sure this is pure CM but here are the things I try to touch on:
1. Narration – just the retelling (this is mostly it for the youngest ones).
2. Q&A – most often allowing the child to make up and ask a question from the reading (and then telling me or a sib if we’re correct with our answer).
3. Sequence – what happened first, next, etc.
4. Ask what the author’s main idea is.
5. Ask what conclusion we can reach based on what we’ve read.
6. Some other narration method, be it an illustration, a song remembered, a scripture illustration of a point in the story (or refutation), acting it out, etc.
These things help us to keep it fresh, though very young ones obviously will not be able to grasp all of these concepts.
What my bookmark looks like is this:
*Main Idea
*Something else (draw, act, sing, Bible…)
P.S. Where’s Shanna? She needs to start a “So what’s your hair color thread…” 🙂
I went a little overboard on your idea. 🙂 I made a rather large bookmark with different ideas on it. Over the years I’ve collected quite a few different narration prompts so I took some of my favs and typed them up. Cindy, your idea I’m sure would have been enough if I’d heard it before I typed mine up. 🙂