My 14 year old son (with PDD – NOS) has beat the drum to return to public school, too. He has a lot of social struggles but thrives on the schedule/routine of school. He gets great satisfaction out of “checking the boxes” of the thing she needs to do each day for each class. I is very eager to finish work quickly – he never procrastinates. Hence, academically, he did very well in public school – they reward kids so much for just showing up and checking the boxes, really. My son is also very passionate about musical theatre. He has been involved in a local musical theatre program for four years where he discovered a love for singing and acting. Several of the talented older kids in this program have gone on to a local performing arts magnet high school, and he has been INTENT on attending this school for two years now. We agreed to allow him to try out (it is an audition-only program), if for no other reason than giving him the opportunity to try. Well, he made it! And his heart, no surprise, is SET on going.
This is very sad for me. I want to keep homeschooling him and helping him realize his full potential through other avenues. Out situation is complicated by the fact that his father (who left years ago – we are now divorced and I am remarried) is very much in favor of him going to this school. And my son idolizes his dad. If it were up to us alone, we would pursue other avenues (Christian community theatre, etc.). I have appealed to his dad and offered up alternative opportunities for their consideration, but these have been rejected.
SO we approach the new school year with trepidation. My three girls will be home with us (one dual enrolled at the local community college), and my son will be going to the magnet school 45 minutes away. We have told him this is a pilot year and there is no guarantee that he can stay there even if he loves it. If we find the school is not a good fit for him for whatever reason or if it does not work for the family (transportation issues being one concern among others), we will not continue. I am praying he decides on his own to come home.
I know my story is a bit rambling, but your situation reminded me so much fo my own that I wanted to reach out and let you know we are facing a similar struggle, and I pray the Lord will guide your steps to the right path for your son.