For Wings2fly Math/RS question, or anyone else who left RS/loves RS

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Math For Wings2fly Math/RS question, or anyone else who left RS/loves RS


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  • amama5

    Hi, sorry we can’t PM anymore so I’m taking up the forum!  I have noticed very helpful math posts by you, and while looking through old posts I saw you loved RS math.  Then I saw a post where you changed to CLE, and I just saw a new post of yours wanting to buy Math on the Level.

    I was just curious why you’ve changed from each one, and mostly why you left RS because it seemed like you really liked it?

    I have a daughter I’ve posted about (and you’ve replied) who really struggles, but looking at RS seems like she would really enjoy the games/abacus, etc.  She is 9 though, and I don’t want to set her back even farther by switching.  She used MUS for the first years, then CLE last year and back to MUS.   I also am not sure I can make the switch to a completely new method either, but I’m already spending a lot of time with her daily, so that won’t change.

    I think I’m at least going to get the Abacus because she liked what she saw of it online.

    Thanks for your thoughts/advice.


    I am leaving soon, so I can write more later.  The short story is that I love RS math and still highly recommend it.  My son struggles with math.  I use many other things to supplement when he has trouble.  I am buying MOTL because I think it will be a better supplement for him than Math Mammoth.  I am trying more to teach the child, not the curriculum.  The AL abacus is great and was a key player starting out for his success in understanding math.  Before this we tried Saxon and then MUS.  I am thinking of dropping Life of Fred and do MOTL or math games once a week instead. I can answer any more questions later tonight.  We switched to CLE because it is more independent and goes further in levels.  RS is more teacher intensive and at the time I needed to spend more time on family needs.  But looking back, I should have kept going with a timer for 20 – 30 minutes.  But I thought I had to get through the lesson each day and it would often get to an hour.  HTH.


    And he still used the abacus from RS with his CLE sometimes.  It was the “right” start for him.  I have the teacher book for Activities for the AL Abacus and we would supplement his CLE with it sometimes.  But he is now beyond that book’s level.


    Thank you, very helpful!

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