For those who have hosted DVD seminar

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating For those who have hosted DVD seminar

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  • LindseyD

    If you have used any of SCM’s DVDs to host a seminar in your home or church for a small group of ladies, would you please share you experiences? Likes/dislikes? Common questions you were asked? Schedule? Etc.?

    I have attended two live SCM events, but Sonya was always there to answer questions. Smile I’ll be the hostess as well as the one answering questions for my event. I currently have 8 signed up to attend, and I am using my church as the location.

    I am currently the one and only CM homeschooler in my town, and I’m working hard to spread the word and get more people involved in using CM methods. I am very excited about the number of people interested in my event so far. I’m planning to have it Sept. 21, and fully expect more to sign up between now and then, as much conversation and interest has been generated as a result of me sharing our experiences at meetings and such.

    Anyway, if you have hosted a DVD seminar using SCM’s All-Day CM Seminar, I’d love to hear how it went!



    I hosted one and the funny thing is… I didn’t know most of the people that showed up!  I just did it at my home and posted it on our local homsechool e-tree.  I’ve run into several of the ladies since, which is always fun.

    It was a great experience, I knew very little about SCM when I originally hosted so I certainly didn’t answer any questions.  It’s been several  years AND I’m pregnant so I don’t remember many details – just that it was enjoyable and we had a potluck for lunch.  Cost was minimal – the price of the workbook plus a few dollars each for the DVDs (which I got to keep! BONUS!!! for hosting!)


    Lindsey ill email you. I’ve done it several times now.


    missceegee- I would like to read your ideas/tips also! I have wanted to host an event, but I don’t any others who even know about CM.


    Ok, I’ll post here.

    Set time and place. Invite as many as might be interested and that you can handle. Either have snacks or tell them to bring their own. Make sure tv is big enough. Pause during question times, do your own Q & A instead, at least some of the time. Plan for lunch break, give restaraunt ideas. Take stretching breaks. Have CM materials (CM books, SCM curricula, living books, BOC, field guides, your kids’ nature journals or written narrations) all set up for perusal. Make picture copies for the picture study exercise or buy Dover art cards. Have pens. Make sure to have the SCM notebooks. I suggest no kids though I did allow babies that nursed. Be willing to say I don’t know, but then get back to them. Get emails and stay connected. Judge interest for a book study of either a CM book or Andreola/SCM/Clarkson type of start. Pause to actually do the things – copywork, picture study, etc. Like the Morning of CM studies in brief. Cell phones off. 

    That’s off the top of my head. If I think of anything else, I’ll add it. 


    I did this two years ago. We met one evening a week at my house. I provided light refreshments. We would view one segment and a time, after which we had our discussion. I had my CM books available to peruse/borrow. I was fairly new to practicing the CM methods at the time – we were learning together in many ways. It was a blessed time for me.


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