For those that put together their own science K-3

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  • mystika1


    I asked about this on another thread but I didn’t get any replies. Can someone tell me if this sounds like a good option for Grade 1 science? I was thinking to read aloud from these  titles and have my daughter narrate back to me. Along with some copywork and drawing.

    and a title suggested on the other thread


    Thanks for taking the time to help me. I am new to putting this together and can’t make up my mind if this is enough or if I should just throw in the towel and buy 106 Days of Creation or Flying Creatures by Fullbright.(I figure I spelled her name wrong but….)

    Just trying to save a bit of money.



    Michele Barmore

    Hi Penny,

    Honestly, with a 1st grader you still want to keep Science fun and interesting.  Did your child pick these books out?

    Ask her what she would like to study for science—-animals, vocanoes,trees, flowers, ect.

    Then go to the library and check a bunch of living books out and read read read : ) Narrate every once in while–but don’t push at this age.  Shell get it.

    Don’t worry about her missing anything– she wont. You can get more serious about science in jr. high or High school. 


    BTW–I have been HSing for 13 years-6 kids- using the CM method. I also have 1 graduate.  It works.



    Have a Blessed Evening



    I think it sounds lovely.  We really enjoyed the 106 Days of Creation, but we also enjoyed reading lots of books like you have listed above.  My boys love hands-on stuff so I made sure we did something hands-on even if it didn’t relate to what we were studying.  They also loved drawing for narration.

    We usually take a month or three and study a topic then move on.  It sounds like you have a few different topics to study which is great.

    I always add in whatever picture books I can find from the library.  It helps keep the younger kid (3-yrs-old) occupied and it’s nice to see what you’re reading about too.

    I don’t recommend the Apologia book.  If you’re tempted to use it get your hands on one first to see if you really like the style and layout.  I love the pictures and the information but it was WAY too much for our life situation (preemie baby and a move) and my 1st graders kept saying “it’s too much information too fast”.  We all started to dread it.  Once I went back to living books (like the ones you’re looking at) life became much happier for all of us.  I think the Apologia books would be great for older middle school/junior high, but not early elementary.

    just my two cents….



    Karen Smith

    I have homeschooled from the beginning and have graduated two of my four children. I did not use any curriculum for K-6 but we read living science books, did experiments, and did nature study. My kids had no problem transitioning to Apologia’s books for middle/high school. Your child will not “miss” anything as long as you are careful to make sure that what you study is varied. There are many topics to study: animals, birds, plants, light, dirt, insects, worms, dinosaurs/fossils, rocks, human body, etc. Most libraries have a good selection of books for K-6 for these topics with the exception of dinosaurs, fossils, and maybe rocks if you want books from a non-evolutionary viewpoint. You may have to buy (or borrow from friends!) books on dinosaurs/fossils/rocks if you want them from a six-day creation viewpoint.

    Hope that helps.




    I’m not a veteran homschooler, yet!! 🙂 This is what we are doing for K. We are using 106 DOC and science packets from and reading living science books. My dd loves astronomy, so I purchased the Exploring Space, which is actually for 1st-3rd. We enjoyed it! It was a lot of information for my K’er, but we picked out several projects to do and she loved it. The science packets are inexpensive ($12.99), so I wasn’t concerned if we didn’t use the whole packet because I would save it until later and use again. This is just what we did and wanted to toss you another idea. 🙂

    I was going to use Apologia as well and after reading numerous threads, I decided to wait until 2nd grade and revisit Apologia. 

    Hope this gives you some ideas. 



    Just wanted to add that we use the Fulbright books and are actually almost done with number 3!  We love them, my boys are 11, 10, 8 & 5 (also a 3 yr old).  they like the books.  We do some but not all the idea’s.  We do as we can and as it interests the boys.

    Just wanted to let you know.  Cause they seems to be not looking good here and we love them.  Have used them for 3 years and they have all enjoyed them.  Misty

    Rachel White

    I just read the Pierson books and Parables from Nature outloud as read alouds and they read independantly the Christian LIberty Nature Readers, which they have to narrate to me; they (8 and 9) get all their own nature books from the library and read to their hearts content. Also, I have available books from Masterbooks and Answers in Genesis to be read at anytime and videos from Moody and other Creation based videos. It’s very liberal.

    However, regarding the Apologia books, my son started the Astronomy one when he was 7 and absolutely devoured it. It, and the ones he has received subsequently at b-days and Hanukkah, has been his own personal reads and he does the experiments he wants to do in his own time. He will eventually go through them all on his own. My dd isn’t interested.

    I plan on starting the G-d’s Design Series next year (or later this year depending) as an “official” science course, but still having the living books read alouds and independant reading by them.



    I know this is not a debate about Apologia but we started it in third grade and love it!  We have finished all the elementary books and are now moving on to General Science.  For the first couple years we read living books about all types of things, my dd is a natural narrator and we did crafts when we felt like it.  It was easy and relaxed.  Science is about exploring the natural wonders of God’s world, go out in the backyard and see what you can find to study!

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