For those doing 3 weeks on, 1 week off…

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules For those doing 3 weeks on, 1 week off…


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  • tlm123

    I have now been trying the 3 weeks on, 1 week off schedule for a couple months now and sort of like it but am having a problem.  I like the 3 weeks on because that is about the time frame my 9 yo can keep his attention to one big project/subject and I like having the one week off to plan for the next month.  My problem is that when that one week off is over my son doesn’t want to get back into the schedule and get to work. Any suggestions?

    Thank you!

    Melissa Henson

    Maybe you could still maintain the same rhythm or schedule during the week off, but during “school hours” (the time you normally do school during the other 3 weeks), Momma plans and son plays or whatever it is he wants to do. I’m just thinking, keep the same routine with meals, chores, getting dressed and making beds and all of that so that it’s not a total free for all (maybe even keep reading aloud something), but “when the school bell rings” you go to work and he goes to play. Or keep him involved in some sort of project.

    I get it. It’s always hard to maintain routines! 🙂 Good luck. Let us know if you come up with a workable solution.



    We do maintain a pretty good schedule during the off week. He doesn’t like change in his schedule (unless it’s not having to do math:)  I also noticed when we would have a vacation week (such as Thanksgiving or Christmas) he would say he was bored.  So I was wondering if instead of being totally “school free” I plan for some fun little project to just keep him occupied.

    I always find it funny and ironic that when we have the 3 wks on he has so many projects that he has “planned” for himself and doesn’t have time for school, but during the 1 wk off he can’t find anything to do!{}

    Thanks for any suggestions you all have, I appreciate it.


    I don’t do the month on week off thing but I like Sue Patrick’s ideas. She has work centers this way they are learning and doing something fun. You could pull them out when you have your week off. Say for instance you are studying cells. you can take two posters, cut one up laminate and laminate the peices of the other and he can match them. She also does a dot pen and Hot/cold dots. They put the pen on the dot and it tells them if they got the answer right or wrong. You could make them up for anything….

       I was planning on doing one for each subject. You can even make mini posters in a file folder so you can just fold all the peices up inside of it and put it in a file cabinet or a file box. My boys are 8 and 10 and they love the pen and dots. I even came up with some good ideas to reuse the poster board. Make everything stuck on with velcro, so you can just switch everything out, even the hot dots on a single peice of cardstock laminated and velcroed or double sided sticky taped. Have him match his answers. I thought this would even be good with Art projects and Artists. Have the artists of study on a board and if they sculpt, paint or make abstract art he could try to make something like one of the artists. You could photocopy the info and put it on the board with velcro and he can read and answer the questions and then make a project that looks like the picture in the picture study. 🙂 Same with music ect….

      This way if you are sick it can be a center and file folder day! yippee 🙂

           Blessings!  Hope this helps 🙂


    Just another idea.  We’ve found that 6 weeks on, 1 week on works better for us.  This allows us a 6 week break in the summer too.  Taking a break every 3 weeks was hard on my son who does better with consistency and routine.  

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