For "Then & Now Bible Maps" users — which do ya think?

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  • I’ve read the posts and the changes Sonya offered on this title. I was going to go without the book, but I really like the flip/transparency feature as we read and discuss. 

    So there’s this “deluxe” one with the CD-Rom (what kind of binding? the spiral binding seems like it would be nice, but it sounds from people’s descriptions that maybe it doesn’t):

    Or the slightly earlier edition (fewer pages) without the CD-Rom — but a bit cheaper and it has sprial binding:


    Is it worth it to spend more and get more maps and the CD-Rom, depending on the binding? Thanks!


    I bought the Deluxe version and it looks like it is changed at least somewhat from the earlier version. Today was the first day I needed it. We are going through Matthew – Acts & the Romans. On lesson 5, it tells us to look at map 15 and use overlay 14 to find the city of Tunis. The maps aren’t numbered except by pages that I can see. And page 15 isn’t even a map. I looked through every map and never could find it. Then I checked the index in the back and it doesn’t even list Tunis. However, the link above for the earlier version has a picture of that index and it does list Tunis.

    I have not checked the cd rom yet. Maybe it is on there. But to save yourself some confusion, it will probably be easier to buy the earlier version in my opinion.


    I should have also said that I have never used the earlier version. This is the first time using any books from Simply Charlotte Mason. So I also could have missed something since I am a rookie. 🙂


    Ahh – sorry. One more observation. The Deluxe version is still spiral bound inside. It is just “enclosed” with a hard binding if that makes sense. So the book will lay flat and the pages turn well, but you can’t fold one side of the book all the way behind the other like a standard spiral bound book. I hope that makes sense.

    Sonya Shafer

    The Corresponding Maps chart on this Links and Tips page may help you match up the different versions.


    Thanks for that link!

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