Your price seems great but it’s still a large investment, do you think it’s a good program? It’s been recommended a few times to me for a struggling learner, but I have 6 children and she would be the only one using it as the others are doing fine in their curriculums. It also sounds extremely teacher intensive/prep time, is that right? Thank you
I will be honest. It’s a great program. Yes a bit of prep time and yes teacher intensive but if it will work best for you child it’s worth it in my opinion. I think it’s so easy to hand a child a workbook and have them work. This gets you more involved and I think helps you identify gaps/problems quickly. I used it 2 of my 3 children and it worked out well.
Do you do a lot of hands on type stuff in math with this particular child? You don’t have to use this alone, in fact it’s very easy to bring in other stuff to supplement it with. Books, games etc.. it can easily all be tied in together. Yes it seems like a lot of $$ but if you can use it for several years to come it’s really not that much. I wish I could still use it for math because right now we are spending well over $100 on just one year of math…ughh.
I will buy it now! I have been looking for this. Is it the full set? How old is it? Do you have PayPal? Message me wherelearningabounds at Yahoo, thanks!
Sounds like I missed the boat:) Thanks for the reply and information about it. Yes, we use hands on things and I do her math with her most days for the full lesson/work, the others do fine on their own. She is using MUS right now with the manipulatives, and she also writes out notecards with colors/stories of the ones she can’t remember. We use other household objects to make groups, etc.