For sale k-3 science, math, memoria press

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch For sale k-3 science, math, memoria press


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  • Ruralmama

    I have several books for sale. Shipping via media mail is included in prices. I will discount if you purchase multiple items. Make me an offer..the worst I will say is no;)

    • Memoria first start reading bundle, Gr. K — $12 ppd. Nice. Teachers book for A-D and unused workbooks C and E
    • Memoria press copybook I — $8 ppd. New. Lovely unused copybook for kindergarten or 1st grade
    • Memoria press kindergarten crafts, Gr. K — $10 ppd. New. craft ideas to go along with children’s books and paintings
    • Memoria press kindergarten enrichment bundle, Gr. K5 — $35 ppd. Nice. Enrichment guide for art, music, science, and social studies.  I have included many of the science books including: Bugs are insects hb, from caterpillar to butterfly HB, why do leaves change color PB, from tadpole to frog pb, where are the night animals hb, how a house is built pb, how do birds find there way hb, the planets pb and Down comes the rain 14 books total 13 are suggested in the enrichment guide. 1 is extra.
    •  Memoria press kindergarten manual only, Gr. K — $18 ppd. Good. Current edition pencil marks in the appendix and summer reading
    • Rightstart Activities for AL abacus, Grs. K-5 — $13 ppd. Nice. rightstart supplement for any math program purple cover
    • Science Scope $6ppd
    • Science unit studies for homeschoolers and teachers–like new. Many creative ideas to teach science K-6 $12 ppd
    • Flyleaf books to remember. Nice fully illustrated phonetic readers. 3 hardback 1 paperback.  $12 ppd

    Hi! Will you take $48 for the Memoria Press kindergarten enrichment bundle, MP kindergarten craft book, and the Flyleaf readers? Thanks for your consideration!


    I would take $50 for it and that includes media mail shipping. I would also give you Gregory’s Shadow, The frogs and toads all sang, and Come on rain that go with the enrichment. The enrichment guide has Abe’s fish in it so it is not the newest but Abe’s fish isn’t too hard to find on Amazon or thrift books and its a great book. My email is roslynjharrisatgmaildotcom


    I will take the memoria copybook 1.


    Grace, that sounds great. Could you email me at roslynjharris atgmaildotcom? I can give you my PayPal info then. I will send it out Monday if you have paid by then. Thanks.


    Here is what is still for sale. Shipping via media mail is included in prices. I will discount if you purchase multiple items. Make me an offer..the worst I will say is no;)

    Memoria first start reading bundle, Gr. K — $12 ppd. Nice. Teachers book for A-D and unused workbooks C and E

    Memoria press copybook I — $8 ppd. New. Lovely unused copybook for kindergarten or 1st grade

    Memoria press kindergarten manual only, Gr. K — $18 ppd. Good. Current edition pencil marks in the appendix and summer reading

    Rightstart Activities for AL abacus, Grs. K-5 —$13 ppd. Nice. rightstart supplement for any math program purple cover

    Science Scope $6ppd

    Science unit studies for homeschoolers and teachers–like new. Many creative ideas to teach science K-6 $12 ppd

    Math-U-see fraction and decimal inserts. Complete unused set. $18 ppd.


    Sorry the Math-U-See are called algebra and decimal inserts. They are complete and unused and I am asking $18 ppd.


    Memoria press copy book 1 is sold.

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