For sale, ebooks: Using Language Well 1; ULW 1 TG; Spelling Wisdom 1 1

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch For sale, ebooks: Using Language Well 1; ULW 1 TG; Spelling Wisdom 1 1

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  • lolajuice

    For sale:

    1) Spelling wisdom 1 (British language version) – ebook – buy for $US 9 – (usually 16.95)

    2) Using Language Well 1 – ebook – buy for $US 9 – (usually 16.95)

    3) Using Language Well Teacher Guide and Answer Key – ebook – buy for $US 6.50 (usually 11.95)


    Please contact me with interest:

    Payment accepted via Paypal, e-books to be emailed upon payment

    In keeping with SCM guidelines, I will erase all my copies of this curriculum on selling

    Also I will complete the SCM form to transfer e-book ownership and updates to the new owner




    Bump. Still available…

    May buy all as a bundle for discounted price of $US 20 (usually 45.85!), otherwise $US 8 each (half the price of new with no disadvantages!).

    1. Using Language Well 1 Student Workbook (ebook/pdf)

    2. Using Language Well 1 Teacher Guide (ebook/pdf)

    3. Spelling Wisdom 1 (ebook/pdf)

    Excellent copywork program with gentle “living” introduction to grammar and punctuation. Designed as a 2 year learning program. And ebooks mean that you can always download the latest version and print off as many as you need for your family.

    Please contact me with interest:



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