•Master Books Elementary World Geography and Cultures set, teacher’s guide is new. The passport and stickers are missing from the Passport book. $30
•Master Books Elementary U.S. Geography set, teacher’s guide is new. The passport and stickers are missing from the Passport book. $30
•Master Books Elementary Zoology partial set. Includes God’s Big Book of Animals, Zoo Adventures, Aquarium Adventures and God’s Amazing Creatures and Me, $60
•Master Books Elementary Apologetics set. Includes new teacher’s guide and Answers For Kids books 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8, $45
•Master Books Life Science Origins and Scientific Theory set, dvds and teacher’s guide are brand new. Textbooks are in good used condition, $75
•Biblioplan Ancient history, $75
•Biblioplan Early Modern history, $75
•Biblioplan Modern history, $75
•Write With the Best vol. 1, $15
•My Father’s World Writing Skills for Today grades 4 and 5, $15 each