All prices include shipping. Pictures available on request. Please email me at manymohr (at) gmail (dot) com.
Rain, Hail, Sleet and Snow $10 including shipping. Brand new – never used.
Holling books $25 including shipping: Paddle to the Sea (hard cover – rip in dust jacket, slight dent at bottom of cover, otherwise good copy), Minn of the Mississippi (paperback, contact paper covered, 2 small stamps inside front cover), Tree in the Trail (paperback, like new), Seabird (paperback, edge wear to cover, name inside cover, sticker on back).
Pilgrim Kate $10 including shipping. Hardcover. slightly curved cover, some discoloring to cover.
Christian Liberty Press American Pioneers and Patriots, Grs. K-5 — $10 ppd. Nice. 2nd edition hardcover
Considering God’s Creation , Grs. K-12 — $20 ppd. Good. teacher/student/CD, some highlighting, minor corner wear
Honey For a Child’s Heart , Grs. K-12 — $10 ppd. Nice
How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare, Grs. K-12 — $10 ppd. New. hardcover
SCM Outdoor Secrets Set , Grs. K-5 — $70 ppd. Nice. Outdoor Secrets Companion – some creasing; How Do Apples Grow? VG PB; An Earthworm’s Life VG PB; My Favorite Tree HC VG but library discard; Robins in Your Backyard HC G library discard; From Seed to Plant VG PB; Are You a Dragonfly? VG PB; Flip, Float, Fly G PB; Water Dance HC G; Wasps HC LN; Johnny Appleseed HC LN, Chippy Chipmunk Parties in the Garden HC LN
Story of the Ancient World by Miller, Grs. K-12 — $12 ppd. Nice. Revised/expanded HA Grueber by Christine Miller
Tiner books: Exploring Planet Earth, Exploring the World of Biology, Exploring the World of Mathematics, Exploring the World of Physics, all paperback in VG condition $25ppd
Happy Little Family 4 book series. Paperback in LN condition $20
Children of Noisy Village and Happy Time in Noisy Village. Paperback in VG condition $10
One Small Square Books – includes Seashore, Coral Reef, Swamp, Arctic Tundra, Cactus Desert, Woods, The Night Sky, Cave. Cave is Hardcover LN, rest paperback in LN condition except Seashore which is VG but library discard. $35